Packet differentiation with storage classes

You can configure the store-and-forward facility to handle packets in different ways. Each packet can be assigned to a storage class, and each storage class can have its own storage bay, return bay, and expiration period.

Note: On Linux™ and the UNIX™ system, a storage class can be assigned several storage and return bays; in this case, the shipping server uses the size of the packet to select one of the bays. Conversely, several storage classes can share one or more bays.

You can use multiple storage classes to segregate the packets for VOBs that belong to different groups. By adjusting the operating system permissions on the storage bay and return bay directories, you can protect the packets from unauthorized use. You can also use a separate storage class when you use the store-and-forward facility to transfer non-MultiSite files between sites.

For more information about storage classes, see the shipping.conf and MultiSite Control Panel reference pages.