Object mastership

An object mastered by one replica can depend on an object mastered by another replica. For example, an element and one of its branches are dependent objects, but these objects can be mastered by different replicas. As a result, certain kinds of inconsistent changes can be made at different replicas. The inconsistency is detected by syncreplica –import, causing it to fail with a recoverable error.

For example, if a type object is deleted in another replica, your replica may refuse to import this change because a trigger type in your replica depends on the deleted type object. During import, the following error message is displayed:
Can’t delete attribute type type-name because of references to it in
trigger type restriction lists
  1. If the trigger at your replica is useful only if the deleted type object exists, use cleartool rmtype trtype:type-name to delete the trigger type. Otherwise, replace the trigger type (cleartool mktrtype –replace) with a revised definition that does not depend on the deleted type object.
  2. Reenter the syncreplica –import command.