multitool use

The multitool command is used to perform operations on VOB replicas.

The command has the following features:
  • It has a set of subcommands that perform product functions, such as replica creation, synchronization, and management; mastership changes of objects; and failure recovery.
  • Some subcommands and command options can be truncated, as indicated in the reference pages.
  • You can use multitool in single-command mode. For example:
    multitool lspacket 

    Also in interactive mode:

    multitool> lspacket
    multitool> quit 
  • Commands and options are case sensitive and must be typed in lowercase.
  • The help command displays syntax summaries.
    multitool help chreplica 
    Usage: chreplica [-c comment | -cfile pname | -cq | -cqe | -nc]
           [-host hostname] [-preserve | -perms_preserve | -npreserve]
           [-isconnected | -nconnected] [-inreplica replica-name] replica-selector
  • The man command displays reference pages:
    multitool man chreplica 
            ...on Windows, the reference page is displayed in a Web browser
    Changes the properties of a replica
  • With the contents argument, the multitool man command displays the HTML table of contents for the DevOps Code ClearCase® MultiSite Help system:
    multitool man contents