Setting up the client host

There are some issues in setting up the client host, so consider them.

When you set up client-side processing for parallel builds, consider the following three issues:

  • The number of parallel build processes to request. clearmake limits the number of concurrent target rebuilds to the value of the CCASE_CONC environment variable or the number that you specify with the -J command-line option. clearmake does not start more abe processes than specified.
  • The hosts to specify for builds. clearmake starts all abe processes on the local host unless you provide a build hosts file. You can specify a build hosts file with the -B command-line option or with the CCASE_HOST_TYPE environment variable.
  • The limitations and requirements for system loading on the build hosts. DevOps Code ClearCase® tries to keep the build machines from becoming overloaded by dispatching a build script to a host only if the host is sufficiently idle. The idleness threshold is specified in the build hosts file. If you do not specify an idleness threshold or do not use a build hosts file, clearmake submits as many build scripts as allowed by the -J or CCASE_CONC setting.