Handling build procedure differences

You can handle differences in the build procedure using the following methods.

Ideally, a single file (that is, a single version of a file element) drives all architecture-specific builds. One way to accomplish this is to revise makefiles as follows:

  • Regularize build scripts
  • Replace architecture-specific constructs (for example, /bin/cc) with make macro invocations (for example, $(CC))
  • Use the clearmake include directive to incorporate architecture-specific settings of the make macros. For more information about the include directive, see Setting up a parallel build.

For example, suppose that the source file main.c is compiled differently for two different architectures:

   /bin/gcc -c -fsingle main.c
   /usr/bin/gcc -c main.c

To merge these build scripts, use the compiler path name and options in make macros CC and CFLAGS and place an architecture-specific include line at the beginning of the makefile:

include /usr/project/make_macros/$(BLD_ARCH)_macros
   $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) main.c

The files in the make_macros directory then have these contents:

CC   = /usr/bin/gcc          /usr/project/make_macros/rhel_macros
CFLAGS   = -fsingle

CC   = /usr/bin/gcc           /usr/project/make_macros/sles_macros

The make macro BLD_ARCH acts as a selector between these two files. The value of this macro can be placed in an environment variable by a shell startup script:

setenv BLD_ARCH 'uname -s'

Alternatively, developers can specify the value at build time. For example:

clearmake main BLD_ARCH="Linux.x86_64"