Contents of a configuration record

Learn about the various sections of the configuration records.

The following sections describe the contents of configuration records.

Header section

As displayed by catcr, the header section of a CR includes the following lines:

  • Makefile target associated with the build script and the user who started the build:
    Target util.o built by akp.dvt

    For a CR produced by clearaudit, the target is ClearAudit_Shell.

  • Host on which the build script was executed, along with information from the uname(2) system call:
    Host "neon" running Linux 4.18.0-240.1.1.el8_3.x86_64
  • Reference time of the build (the time clearmake or clearaudit began execution), and the time when the build script for this particular CR began execution:
    Reference Time 2021-03-02T17:24:51-05:00, this audit started 2021-03-02T17:24:59-05:00

    In a hierarchical build, involving the execution of multiple build scripts, all the resulting CRs share the same reference time. (For more about reference time, see the clearmake reference page.)

  • View storage directory of the view in which the build took place:
    View was neptune:/home/akp/views/930825.vws
  • Working directory at the time build script execution or clearaudit execution began:
    Initial working directory was /vobs/hw/src

MVFS objects section

An MVFS object is a file or directory in a VOB. The MVFS Objects section of a CR includes this information:

  • Each MVFS file or directory read during the build. These include versions of elements and view-private files used as build input, checked-out versions of file elements, DOs read, and any tools or scripts used during the build that are under version control.
  • Each derived object produced by the target rebuild.

Non-MVFS objects section

A non-MVFS object is an object that is accessed outside a VOB (compiler, system-supplied header file, temporary file, and so on). The Non-MVFS Objects section of a CR includes each non-MVFS file that appears as an explicit dependency in the makefile or is a dependency inferred from a suffix rule. For more information, see Declaring source dependencies in makefiles.

This section is omitted if there are no such files or if the CR was produced by clearaudit.

Variables and options section

The Variables and options section of a CR lists the values of make macros referenced by the build script.

This section is omitted from a CR produced by clearaudit.

Build script section

The Build script section of a CR lists the script that was read from a makefile and executed by clearmake.

This section is omitted from a CR produced by clearaudit.