Compatibility with other make programs

Many make utilities are available in the multiple-architecture, multiple-vendor world of open systems. The DevOps Code ClearCase® clearmake program share features with many of them and has some unique features.

You can adjust the level of compatibility that clearmake has with other make programs:

  • Suppress special features of clearmake.

    Use command options to turn off such features as winkin, comparison of build scripts, comparison of detected dependencies, and creation of DOs and CRs. You can turn off configuration lookup altogether, so that the standard time-stamp based algorithm is used for build avoidance.

  • Enable features of other make programs.

    clearmake has several compatibility modes, which provide for partial emulations of popular make programs. For more information, see the makefile compatibility commands in the DevOps Code ClearCase Command Reference.

To achieve absolute compatibility with other make programs, you can actually use them to perform builds. However, builds with a standard make do not provide build auditing, configuration lookup, or sharing of DOs. The MVFS files that the build creates are view-private files, not derived objects. To perform an audited build, you can execute the make program in a clearaudit shell.