Configuring the Sharepoint app in Microsoft Azure AD

Register and configure the HCL Connections community app for Microsoft Sharepoint in the Azure Active Directory.

About this task

Linked references in the following procedure are to additional explanation in the Microsoft identity platform documentation.


  1. From your Azure Active Directory portal at, select your organization's directory.
  2. In your directory, under Manage, click App registrations and then click New registation.
  3. Fill out the registration form.

    Note these steps:

    • Under Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only (your_organizational_directory).
    • Under Redirect URI (optional), select Web and add https://your_connections_host.spo.index.html as the URI for your Connections users to receive their authentication response.
    • Click Register.
  4. From your app's Overview page in Azure, click API permissions and then click Add a permission.
  5. Add access rights for your app to access the Microsoft web API.

    Note these steps:

    • Under Request API permissions, select Sharepoint from the Microsoft APIs tab.
    • Under Delegated Permissions, select Read and write user files and Read and write items in all site collections.
    • Click Add permissions to save.
    • From your configured API permissions screen, select Grant admin consent for your_organizational_directory.
  6. Add a redirect URI for your organization's Sharepoint mobile app.
    1. Click Authentication.
    2. Under Web, click Add URI and add https://your_connections_host/spo/mobile.html as the reply URL for mobile users.
    3. Under Implicit grant, select both Access tokens and ID tokens.
    4. Click Save.
  7. Edit the Azure Active Directory app manifest to allow the open authentication used by the app.
    1. From the app's Overview page, Click the Manifest section.
    2. Change the attribute oauth2AllowImplicitFlow to true.
    3. Click Save.
  8. From your app's Overview page, copy the value for Application (client) ID to the clipboard for use in the next task.

What to do next

Configure the SharePoint app in Connections.