Customize labels for languages

You can customize Connections Engagement Center labels for all languages that are supported by HCL Connections.

The Connections Engagement Center automatically creates both files xcc-de.json and xcc-template.json in the directory customization/xcc/I18n


Using an example, we want to show you how the Connections Engagement Center language fallback works. Please open the Connections Engagement Center page with a browser and a language cookie, which has the value pt for Portuguese language. The Connections Engagement Center will search for a file with the name xcc-pt.json in the directory customization/xcc/I18n. If this file is found, the Connections Engagement Center will output the labels contained in this file. Otherwise Connections Engagement Center will search for the file xcc-en.json. If this file does also not exist then the Connections Engagement Center will fall back to English labels included in the Connections Engagement Center source code.



You can use the icec-template.json file to translate Connections Engagement Center into your desired language. After customization of this file, you have to rename it. Therefore please save the file as icec-<LANGUAGE>.json where <LANGUAGE> is replaced with the shortcut of your desired language (for example en, de, pt, zh etc.). You can up- and download the language files on your Connections Engagement Center page in the customization panel under the Connections Engagement Center Settings tab.

Structure of JSON

Connections Engagement Center language files are stored in JSON format. These JSON files contain key-value pairs embarced in quotes and separated by a colon. Multiple key-values are separated by a comma and a newline. For example:

"ee_pager_next" : "Next",
"ee_pager_prev" : "Prev"

Some entries need placeholders for values to be computed. These entries contain placeholders like $1, $2, $3 and so on. Array entries are separated by a comma a,b,c,d,e. Entries specific to dates and times are used with a SimpleDateFormat like placeholder structure like TT for the Day in Month, MM for the Month in Year as a zero filled Number MMM or a shortcut of the Months name MMMM for the Months full name and so on.