Metrics error messages

Use the codes included in the error messages generated by IBM® Connections to identify problems with Metrics and find their solutions.

Table 1. Metrics error messages

A table of Metrics error messages generated by IBM® Connections that includes code number, causes, and solutions.

Message Cause Solution
CLFWB0001E: Unable to save an event. An error occurred while saving a Metrics event to the processing queue. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0002E: Unable to find reports definition of scope <reportScope> in report-config.xml. Reports definition within scope <scope> was missing in report-config.xml. Check that reports definition with scope <scope> specified in report-config.xml is valid.
CLFWB0003E: Unable to find the default report ID of scope <reportScope> in report-config.xml. Default report ID of scope <scope> was missing in report-config.xml. Check that the default report ID of scope <scope> specified in report-config.xml is valid.
CLFWB0004E: Unable to get the configuration of navigation tree. An error occurred while parsing configurations specified in report-config.xml. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0005E: Unable to find a matched Cognos® URL pattern for type: <urlType>. Unsupported Cognos® URL pattern used. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0006E: Unable to populate date list during data synchronization job. An error occurred while saving the predefined dates to the database. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0007E: Unable to log Metrics event count during data synchronization job. An error occurred while saving the Metrics event counts to the database. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0008E: Unable to populate new user data during data synchronization job. An error occurred while saving the new users to the database. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0009E: Unable to synchronize department data during data synchronization job. An error occurred while synchronizing the users' department properties with Profiles. Verify Profiles is running correctly. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0010E: Unable to synchronize country data during data synchronization job. An error occurred while synchronizing the users' country properties with Profiles. Verify Profiles is running correctly. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0011E: Unable to synchronize organization data during data synchronization job. An error occurred while synchronizing the users' organization properties with Profiles. Verify Profiles is running correctly. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0012E: Unable to synchronize employee type data during data synchronization job. An error occurred while synchronizing the users' employee type properties with Profiles. Verify Profiles is running correctly. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0013E: Unable to synchronize deleted communities during data synchronization job. An error occurred while synchronizing the deleted communities with Cognos®. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0014E: Unable to start the event persistence scheduler. Failed to start the Metrics event persistence scheduler task. If the problem persists after restarting the Metrics application, contact Customer Support to report the incident.
CLFWB0015E: Unable to stop the event persistence scheduler. Failed to stop the Metrics event persistence scheduler task. If the problem persists after restarting the Metrics application, contact Customer Support to report the incident.
CLFWB0016E: Unable to save events to the database. An error occurred while saving Metrics events to the database. Verify the database server is running and database connection configuration is correct.
CLFWB0017E: Cognos® BI request failed with error code: <errorCode>. Cognos® BI server reported a failure with the specified error code. If the problem persists after restarting the Cognos® application, contact Customer Support to report the incident. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0018E: Data synchronization failed with error code: <errorCode>. Data synchronization failed with the specified error code.
CLFWB0019E: Abdera client request failed with error code: <errorCode>. An error with the specified error code occurred while sending request through Abdera client. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0020E: CommunityRemoteAppRetrieveService is not available. An error occurred while accessing CommunityRemoteAppRetrieveService. Verify Communities is running correctly. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0021E: Unable to initialize J2C alias configuration. Failed to read Connections or Cognos® J2C alias configuration. Verify both Connections and Cognos® J2C aliases are correctly configured.
CLFWB0022E: Unable to read Metrics configurations in metrics-config.xml. Failed to read Metrics configurations in metrics-config.xml. Verify metrics-config.xml is correctly configured. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0023E: Database schema version is <schemaVersion> but the required version is <requiredSchemaVersion>. Database schema versions are not matched. Update the database schema to the required version.
CLFWB0024E: Unable to generate an unique ID. Failed to generate an unique ID. If the problem persists after restarting the Metrics application, contact Customer Support to report the incident.
CLFWB0025E: Unable to find the InterService URL of <interServiceURL>. Failed to read the InterService URL of the component with specified name. Verify the specified component is correctly configured in LotusConnections-config.xml.
CLFWB0026E: Unable to find the service URL of <serviceURL>. Failed to read the Service URL of the component with specified name. Verify the specified component is correctly configured in LotusConnections-config.xml.
CLFWB0027W: Unable to find the link of custom report <reportName> in report-config.xml. Failed to read the link property of the custom report with specified name. Verify the link property of the specified custom report is correctly configured in report-config.xml.
CLFWB0028W: Redundant link found in report category <reportCategory> in report-config.xml. A redundant link property was found in the report category with specified name. Remove the redundant link property of the report category with specified name.
CLFWB0029W: Unknown report type <reportType> found in report-config.xml. Failed to recognize the specified report type found in report-config.xml. Verify the specified report type is correct.
CLFWB0030W: Unable to find the ID or label of a report in report-config.xml. Failed to read the ID or label property of a report in report-config.xml. Verify the ID and label properties are correctly configured in report-config.xml.
CLFWB0031W: Duplicated report ID <reportID> found in report-config.xml. A duplicated report ID was found in report-config.xml. Remove the duplicated report entry from report-config.xml.
CLFWB0032W: Unable to find the user with login ID <userID>. Failed to retrieve profile of the user with specified ID. Verify that the user is valid and the directory server is running. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0033W: Unable to find any groups for the user with login ID <userID>. Failed to retrieve any groups that the specified user owns. Verify that the user is valid and the directory server is running correctly. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0034W: Unable to find any communities for the user with login ID <userID>. Failed to retrieve any groups that the specified user owns. Verify that the user is valid and the directory server is running. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0035W: Unable to find any owners for the community with UUID <communityUUID>. Failed to retrieve any owners of the community with the specified UUID. Verify Communities is running correctly. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.
CLFWB0036W: Unable to populate attributes data for the user with login ID <userID>. An error occurred while populating attributes data of user with specified ID. Report this problem to Customer Support. Additional information relating to the failure may be found in the SystemOut.log file.