Database properties and connection information for DB2

If you use a DB2® database and upgrading, you must update the database properties of your schema repositories and user databases.

If the database is in a DB2 instance that is not using port value 50000, you must specify the port value.

In releases earlier than version 8.0, the following fields were listed by the Maintenance Tool on the database properties pages for DB2:
  • Vendor (DB2)
  • Database Alias
  • User Name
  • Password
In latest version, these fields are listed by the Maintenance Tool on the database properties pages for DB2:
  • Vendor (DB2)
  • Database
  • Server
  • User Name
  • Password
  • Connect Options

Another important change is the addition of the Server field. The value in the Server field must be the machine name of the server on which the DB2 database is running.

No change is necessary in the Administrator User Name and Administrator Password fields.

The Connect Options field has also been added. The valid parameters for this field are DATABASE, HOST and PORT. The parameter names are not case sensitive, but the values are. Parameters must be separated by semicolons, with no spaces in between.

The DATABASE and HOST parameters in the Connect Options field are optional.

To specify a different name for the database, use this form:


To specify a different name for the host, use this form:


The PORT parameter in the Connect Options field is not needed if the DB2 database is on the default port (50000), but is required if the DB2 database is on a nondefault port.

If the port number of the database is not the default (50000), enter it in this form:
