The EmailRelay application on a non-replicated HCL Compass database with multiple HCL Compass databases

In this scenario, two or more HCL Compass databases are configured for use with the EmailRelay application in a non-replicated environment.

There is a separate <repository> XML block in the cqemailrelay_cfg.xml file for each HCL Compass database that you plan to enable the EmailRelay application on. When the EmailRelay application is configured to run in PostOffice Relay mode, it uses the <repository> XML block to determine how to communicate with the HCL Compass Web server. If more than one <repository> XML block exists, EmailPlus cycles through each block, polling the HCL Compass database for new EmailPlus records to send.

When the EmailRelay application is configured to run in SMTP Relay mode, the <repository> XML block is ignored. The EmailPlus package of each database must be configured to use the same port that EmailRelay is listening on.
Important: Use the same value for -relaycfgdir. Otherwise, a new cqemailrelay_cfg.xml file will be created that only contains configuration parameters for the new database.

In the following example, there are two HCL Compass databases: one called SAMPL, and the other called TEST. To setup and configure the EmailRelay application for both databases, run the Perl script twice, changing -dbset, -userdb -username, -password, and -serverurl values to be specific to your additional user database.

First, you setup the EmailRelay application for the SAMPL database.
cqperl -dbset EmailPlus -userdb SAMPL -username admin -password secret -serverurl -relaycfgdir C:\EmailRelay -smtpserver -smtpport 465 -smtpuser -smtppassword secret -mode postoffice
Next, you setup the EmailRelay application for the TEST database.
cqperl -dbset EmailPlus -userdb TEST -username admin -password secret -serverurl -relaycfgdir C:\EmailRelay -smtpserver -smtpport 465 -smtpuser -smtppassword secret -mode postoffice
Note: If you are setting up the EmailRelay application in SMTP Relay mode, you have to run the script only once.
Note: Because there is one EmailRelay server for each Web deployment, you cannot configure some of your databases to use PostOffice Relay mode and others to use SMTP Relay mode.