Install and deploy the HCL Compass container with the HCL Compass Analytics feature

Business analytics and dashboard support is offered as part of a technical preview. Support will be provided on a best effort basis.

Before you begin

Note: Using HCL Compass on Docker and Docker Compose is not supported when deployed in a production environment. To use HCL Compass in a container in a production environment, deploy HCL Compass to a Kubernetes environment.

For more information, see Getting started with HCL Compass Helm Chart.

Before you can use the HCL Compass Analytics functionality that is provided in HCL Compass, you must first deploy and run an HCL Compass container. For more information, see Getting started with Docker


  1. When deploying and running the HCL Compass container as described in Getting started with Docker, you must set the environment variable ANALYTICS_URL to the HCL Compass Analytics URL.
    –env ANALYTICS_URL=<hcl-compass_analytics_url>
  2. Use the docker run command to start the HCL Compass Analytics container from the HCL Compass Analytics image. Set the environment variable CCM_URL to the HCL Compass URL.
    $ docker run -d --name [container-name] -h [container--host-name] \
    --env HCL_CCM_LICENSE_SERVER_URL=[license_url] \
    --env HCL_CCM_LICENSE_SERVER_ID=[license_id] \
    --env CCM_URL=<hcl-compass_url>
    -p [external_port_number]:8290 \
  3. Enter https://localhost:8290/analytics/ccmweb/rest/info in a browser to see and ensure that HCL Compass Analytics are running.