Getting started with HCL Compass RESTful with Windows install package service

This quick start guide demonstrates how to use Docker Compose to setup and run HCL Compass with RESTful with Windows install package service to mount the Windows package in the REST API server.

Before you begin

Note: Using HCL Compass on Docker and Docker Compose is not supported when deployed in a production environment. To use HCL Compass in a container in a production environment, deploy HCL Compass to a Kubernetes environment.

For more information, see Getting started with HCL Compass Helm Chart.

Before you can use the Windows install package service in HCL Compass, you must first setup HCL Compass with Docker Compose and configure RESTful, search, and dashboard features by performing the following steps:
  1. Compete steps 1-3 in Getting started with Docker Compose.
  2. Complete steps 2-3 in Using RESTful and search features in separate Docker Compose services.
  3. Complete steps 1-2 in Getting started with RESTful, OpenSearch, and OpenSearch Dashboards services.

About this task

This quick start guide demonstrates how to use Docker Compose to setup and run HCL Compass with RESTful with Windows install package service to mount the Windows package in the REST API server. In this example, we will create the following:
  • hcl-compass service for RESTful applications with two database connection set.
  • hcl-compass-search1 service for Search application and first database connection set.
  • hcl-compass-search2 service for Search application and second database connection set.
  • hcl-compass-opensearch service for the Opensearch application in order to support HCL Compass dashboards.
  • hcl-compass-logstash service for the Logstash application in order to support HCL Compass dashboards.
  • hcl-compass-dashboards service for the Dashboards application in order to support HCL Compass dashboards.
  • hcl-compass-nginx service for the Nginix application in order to support HCL Compass dashboards.
  • hcl-compass-win-install service for the HCL Compass Windows product package to be mounted in an HCL Compass Docker container.


  1. Define services for the HCL Compass Windows install package service in a Docker Compose file.
    Create a YAML file named docker-win-install.yaml in your project directory as shown below. Replace the image repositories and tag with your selected image repositories and tags.
    version: '3.3'
          - hcl-compass-win-install:hcl-compass-win-install
        restart: on-failure
          - "hcl-compass-win-install"
          - hcl-compass-win-install:/opt/hcl/compass/compass-rest-server-distribution/win-install
        hostname: hcl-compass-win-install
        container_name: hcl-compass-install
          - hcl-compass-win-install:/ccm/win-install
          - hcl-compass
    The hcl-compass-win-install service does the following:
    • Pulls the hcl-compass-win-install docker image from the repository location with the specific tag.
    • Creates volume mountpoint folder location for HCL Compass Windows install package files.
  2. Build and run the HCL Compass application with Docker Compose
    1. From your project directory, start your application by running docker-compose up.
      $ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-search-model2.yaml -f docker-compose-ek.yaml -f docker-compose-win-install.yaml up  -d
      Creating network "compass_hcl-compass" with driver "bridge"
      Creating volume "compass_hcl-compass-logs" with default driver
      Creating volume "compass_hcl-compass-config" with default driver
      Creating volume "compass_opensearch-data" with default driver
      Creating volume "hcl-compass-win-install" with default driver
      Creating docker-compose-win-install          ... done
      Creating compass_hcl-compass-opensearch_1 ... done
      Creating compass_hcl-compass-dashboards_1    ... done
      Creating compass_hcl-compass-logstash        ... done
      Creating compass_hcl-compass-search1_1       ... done
      Creating compass_hcl-compass-search2_1       ... done
      Creating compass_hcl-compass-nginx_1         ... done
      Creating compass_hcl-compass_1               ... done
    2. After the command has been launched, you can check to see that the service and the container are started by using the following command:
      $ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-search-model2.yaml -f docker-compose-ek.yaml -f docker-compose-win-install.yaml ps
  3. Optionally, you can view the container logs by using the following command:
    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose-search-model2.yaml -f docker-compose-ek.yaml -f docker-compose-win-install.yaml logs
  4. Enter https://localhost:8190/ in a browser and follow instructions for Get started with HCL Compass Designer Tools from the HCL Compass UI page.