HCL Compass Helm chart reference

Information about using the HCL Compass Helm chart.

The following reference details the HCL Compass Helm chart and the configuration options that are available for deploying HCL Compass on Kubernetes.

It is recommended that you do not modify the default values.yaml configuration file for your deployment. Create a copy to use as your customized values file, for example, my-values.yaml. Creating a copy to customize will allow you to maintain your customized values for future deployments and upgrades.

Table 1. HCL Compass Helm Chart
Parameter Description Default value
global.hclImagePullSecret Your own secret with your credentials to the HCL docker repository.

Required when deploying a solution in your own cluster.

global.hclImageRegistry HCL Compass docker image registry. hclcr.io
hclFlexnetURL Your HCL FlexNet license server URL for your HCL entitlements. ""
hclFlexnetID Your HCL FlexNet license ID for your HCL entitlements.


replicaCount Number of replicas to deploy an instance of the HCL Compass RESTful service. 1
image.repository HCL Compass docker image repository path. ccm/hcl-compass
image.tag HCL Compass image tag. 2.2.3
image.pullPolicy HCL Compass image pull policy. Accepted values are:
  • IfNotPresent
  • Always
hostname HCL Compass Docker container hostname. hcl-compass
timeZone REST API server Time Zone. It can be set based on a list of supported time zones and abbreviations. EST5EDT
serverQualifiedUrlPath If defined, overrides the HCL Compass mapping URL in the HCL Compass application.properties file. For example: "https://[MAPPING_NAME].com" ""
service.enabled.oracle This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass Oracle database service. Accepted values are:
  • True: enables the HCL Compass Oracle database service.
  • False: disables the HCL Compass Oracle database service.
service.enabled.postgresql This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass PostgreSQL database service. Accepted values are:
  • True: enables the HCL Compass PostgreSQL database service.
  • False: disables the HCL Compass PostgreSQL database service.
ccmOracleDb.repository HCL Compass Oracle database Docker image repository path.

This parameter is needed if service.enabled.oracle=true.

ccmOracleDb.tag HCL Compass Oracle database image tag.

This parameter is needed if service.enabled.oracle=true.

ccmOracleDb.pullPolicy HCL Compass Oracle database image pull policy.

This parameter is needed if service.enabled.oracle=true.

Accepted values are:
  • IfNotPresent
  • Always
ccmPostgresqlDb.repository HCL Compass PostgreSQL database Docker image repository path.

This parameter is needed if service.enabled.postgresql=true.

ccmPostgresqlDb.tag HCL Compass PostgreSQL database image tag.

This parameter is needed if service.enabled.postgresql=true.

ccmPostgresqlDb.pullPolicy HCL Compass PostgreSQL database image pull policy.

This parameter is needed if service.enabled.postgresql=true.

Accepted values are:
  • IfNotPresent
  • Always
db.connectionSet Register array of database set connections with the following format:

("connection-1" "connection-2"..."connection-n")

Each connection must be set with the following format:

(”-v db_vendor -d db_name -s db_server -u user -ppassword -dbset dbset_name -ip db_server_ip”)

If the database hostname can be resolved from Docker and it matches what you put into the *-s* parameter, then the *-ip db_server_ip* is not required.

If search.enabledWithCCM=true, then you also need to include the -searchPort search-port.

("-v PostgreSQL -d DefMaster -s ccm-postgresql-app -u postgres -p dev0psPlan -dbset DefectTracking"

"-v PostgreSQL -d SafeMaster -s ccm-postgresql-app -u postgres -p dev0psPlan -dbset EssentialSAFe" "-v PostgreSQL -d ALMMaster -s ccm-postgresql-app -u postgres -p dev0psPlan -dbset ALM"

"-v PostgreSQL -d AgileMaster -s ccm-postgresql-app -u postgres -p dev0psPlan -dbset Agile")

sso.enabled This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass Single-Sign-On service that is used for SCM and Keycloak integration enablement. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables the HCL Compass Single-Sign-On service.
  • false: disables the HCL Compass Single-Sign-On service.

This parameter is required if you plan to use the HCL Compass Single-Sign-On (Keycloak) and SCM features.

sso.configSet Array of SSO configuration data that is used for SCM and Keycloak integration. It should be set with the following format:


Each SSO configuration must be set with the following format:
“-username [Username] -password [User password] -dbset [dbset_name]-ssousername [sso_user_name] 
Note: The value for [sso_user_name] should be an internal name provided by the administrator. This name should be unique and not be used for any other functions in HCL Compass.
("-username admin -password "" -dbset DefectTracking -ssousername SYSTEM_SSO1" "-username admin -password "" -dbset EssentialSAFe -ssousername SYSTEM_SSO2")
service.enabled.search This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass search service. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables the HCL Compass search service.
  • false: disables the HCL Compass search service.
search.enabledWithCCM This parameter enables or disables the search configuration into the HCL Compass RESTful pod's container. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables the HCL Compass search configuration in the HCL Compass RESTful pods.
  • false: disables the HCL Compass search configuration in the HCL Compass RESTful pods.

This parameter is required if you plan to configure search in the same pod service and service.enabled.search=true.

search.configSet Set array of Search configuration data with the following format for the Search Application_1 configuration:


Each Search configuration must be set with the following format:
“-username [Username] -password [User password] -dbset [dbset_name]-userdb [User database] 
-searchPort [search_port_number]”

This parameter is required if service.enabled.search=true and search.enabledWithCCM=true.

("-username admin -password "" -dbset DefectTracking -userdb SAMPL -searchPort 8983" "-username admin -password "" -dbset EssentialSAFe -userdb SAMPL -searchPort 8984")
search.properties.update This parameter enables or disables updating the default Search properties values. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables updating the default Search properties values.
  • false: disables updating the default Search properties values.

This parameter is required and set to true if service.enabled.search=true and search.enabledWithCCM=true and you need to update any Search properties values.

search.properties.valueSet The Search Properties values with the following format:
(\"-IndexWorkspace [true/false] -MaxHeapSize [val] -RetryAttempts [val] -RetryAttemptsPause [val] -IncrIndexMaxHeapSize [val] -FullIndexMaxHeapSize [val] -ProcRetryAttempts [val] -ProcRetryAttemptsPause [val]\")
(\"-IndexWorkspace false -MaxHeapSize 4096 -RetryAttempts 3 -RetryAttemptsPause 1000 -IncrIndexMaxHeapSize 4096 -FullIndexMaxHeapSize 4096 -ProcRetryAttempts 30 -ProcRetryAttemptsPause 2000\")
search.configFile.enabled This parameter enables or disables adding new search data entity and type-ahead files to the pods for search configuration. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables adding new search data entity and type-ahead files to the pods.
  • false: disables adding new search data entity and type-ahead files to the pods.
search.configFile.configMapName The configMap file name that containes the Search configuration entity and type-ahead files. This parameter is required if service.enabled.search=true and search.configFile.enabled=true. entity-file
search.port.port#.containerPort This parameter sets the search port in the Docker container. The # should be replaced with 1 to N.

It can be from port1 to port N and is set for that search port for search configuration 1 to search configuration N.

This parameter is required if service.enabled.search=true and search.enabledWithCCM=true.

search.port.port#.protocol The protocol type TCP. The # should be replaced with 1 to N.

It can be from port1 to port N and is set for that search port for search configuration 1 to search configuration N.

This parameter is required if service.enabled.search=true and search.enabledWithCCM=true.

searchapp1.service This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass search Application1 service. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables the HCL Compass search Application1 service.
  • false: disables the HCL Compass search Application1 service.

This parameter is required if you plan to configure search in a separate pod service and if service.enabled.search=true.

searchapp1.replicaCount Number of replica search pods. This parameter is required if searchapp1.service=true. 1
searchapp1.hostname Search container hostname. This parameter is required if searchapp1.service=true. search-def
searchapp1.configset Set array of Search configuration data with the following format for the Search Application_1 configuration:


Each Search configuration must be set with the following format:
“-username [Username] -password [User password] -dbset [dbset_name]-userdb [User database] 
-searchPort [search_port_number]”

This parameter is required if searchapp1.service=true.

("-username admin -password "" -dbset DefectTracking -userdb SAMPL -searchPort 8983" "-username admin -password "" -dbset EssentialSAFe -userdb SAMPL -searchPort 8984")
searchapp1.ports Search container port number. This parameter is required if searchapp1.service=true.
  • -8983
  • -8984
searchapp1.db.connectionSet The conncetionSet values must be the same as the values that are set for the database connection-1 that is set in the db.connectionSet.

This parameter is required if searchapp1.service=true.

("-v PostgreSQL -d DefMaster -s ccm-postgresql-app -u postgres -p dev0psPlan -dbset DefectTracking"

"-v PostgreSQL -d SafeMaster -s ccm-postgresql-app -u postgres -p dev0psPlan -dbset EssentialSAFe")
searchapp1.properties.update This parameter enables or disables updating the default Search properties values. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables updating the default Search properties values.
  • false: disables updating the default Search properties values.

This parameter is required and set to true if service.enabled.search=true and search.enabledWithCCM=true and you need to update any Search properties values.

searchapp1.properties.valueSet The Search Properties values with the following format:
(\"-IndexWorkspace [true/false] -MaxHeapSize [val] -RetryAttempts [val] -RetryAttemptsPause [val] -IncrIndexMaxHeapSize [val] -FullIndexMaxHeapSize [val] -ProcRetryAttempts [val] -ProcRetryAttemptsPause [val]\")
(\"-IndexWorkspace false -MaxHeapSize 4096 -RetryAttempts 3 -RetryAttemptsPause 1000 -IncrIndexMaxHeapSize 4096 -FullIndexMaxHeapSize 4096 -ProcRetryAttempts 30 -ProcRetryAttemptsPause 2000\")
Searchapp2.service This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass search Application2 services. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables the HCL Compass search Application2 service.
  • false: disables the HCL Compass search Application2 service.

This parameter is required if you plan to configure search in a separate pod service and if service.enabled.search=true.

Searchapp2.replicaCount Number of replica search pods.

This parameter is required if searchapp2.service=true.

Searchapp2.hostname Search container hostname.

This parameter is required if searchapp2.service=true.

searchapp2.configset Set array of Search configuration data with the following format for the Search Application_2 configuration:


Each Search configuration must be set with the following format:
“-username [Username] -password [User password] -dbset [dbset_name]-userdb [User database] 
-searchPort [search_port_number]”

This parameter is required if searchapp2.service=true.

("-username admin -password "" -dbset EssentialSAFe -userdb SAMPL -searchPort 8984")
Searchapp2.ports Search container port number.

This parameter is required if searchapp2.service=true.

  • 8985
  • 8986
Searchapp2.db.connectionSet The conncetionSet values must be the same as the values that are set for the database connection-1 that is set in the db.connectionSet.

This parameter is required if searchapp2.service=true.

("-v PostgreSQL -d ALMMaster -s ccm-postgresql-app -u postgres -p dev0psPlan -dbset ALM"

"-v PostgreSQL -d AgileMaster -s ccm-postgresql-app -u postgres -p dev0psPlan -dbset Agile" )
searchapp2.properties.update This parameter enables or disables updating the default Search properties values. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables updating the default Search properties values.
  • false: disables updating the default Search properties values.

This parameter is required and set to true if service.enabled.search=true and search.enabledWithCCM=true and you need to update any Search properties values.

searchapp2.properties.valueSet The Search Properties values with the following format:
(\"-IndexWorkspace [true/false] -MaxHeapSize [val] -RetryAttempts [val] -RetryAttemptsPause [val] -IncrIndexMaxHeapSize [val] -FullIndexMaxHeapSize [val] -ProcRetryAttempts [val] -ProcRetryAttemptsPause [val]\")
(\"-IndexWorkspace false -MaxHeapSize 4096 -RetryAttempts 3 -RetryAttemptsPause 1000 -IncrIndexMaxHeapSize 4096 -FullIndexMaxHeapSize 4096 -ProcRetryAttempts 30 -ProcRetryAttemptsPause 2000\")
ssl.enabled Enables installing HCL Compass SSL certificate. Accepted values are:
  • true: enables installing SSL certificate.
  • false: disables installing SSL certificate.
ssl.password Keystore password. This parameter is required if ssl.enabled=true. ""
ssl.keyAlias Keystore alias. 1
ssl.configMapName This is the configMap file name that contains the SSL certificate keystore.p12 file. This parameter is required if ssl.enabled=true. keystore-file