Mounting HCL Compass Windows package in a HCL Compass REST API server Docker container

You can mount the Windows package into a REST API server Docker container

Before you begin

Note: Using HCL Compass on Docker and Docker Compose is not supported when deployed in a production environment. To use HCL Compass in a container in a production environment, deploy HCL Compass to a Kubernetes environment.

For more information, see Deploying HCL Compass on SoFy Sandbox.


  1. Deploy hcl-compass-win-install container to create persistence volume for the HCL Compass windows product package.
    docker run --rm -d --name hcl-compass-win-install \
     -v hcl-compass-win-install:/ccm/win-install \
  2. To see and check the hcl-compass-win-install persistence volume, run the docker inspect volume command to find the Mountpoint location.
    docker inspect volume hcl-compass-win-install
  3. Add the following setting to the Docker hcl-compass run command in Getting started with Docker.
    --mount source=hcl-compass-win-install,destination=/opt/hcl/compass/compass-rest-server-distribution/win-install  \