HCL Compass dashboards for business analytics helm chart reference

Business analytics and dashboard support is offered as part of a technical preview. Support will be provided on a best effort basis.

By default, HCL Compass sets the configuration setting options for installing Nginx, Opensearch, Dashboards, and Logstash in the HCL Compass helm chart for dashboard support. It is recommended to not modify the default values as shown in this table.

Table 1. Installation Manager Helm Chart
Parameter Description Default value
nginx.service This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass Nginx service. This parameter is required to use HCL Compass dashboard features for business analytics. Accepted values are:
  • True: enables the HCL Compass Nginx service.
  • False: disables the HCL Compass Nginx service.
nginx.type HCL Compass Nginx service type. ClusterIP
nginx.exposePort HCL Compass Nginx service port. ""
nginx.urlMapping HCL Compass URL mapping.

The mapping URL format should be: https:[mapping-name].com.

nginx.replicaCount Number of replica nginx pods. This parameter is required if nginx.service=true.


nginx.image.repository HCL Compass Nginx docker image repository path. This parameter is required if nginx.service=true. ccm/ccm-nginx
nginx.image.tag HCL Compass Nginx image tag. This parameter is required if nginx.service=true. 2.2.2
nginx.image.pullPolicy HCL Compass Nginx image pull policy. This parameter is required if nginx.service=true. Accepted values are:
  • IfNotPresent
  • Always
nginx.hostname HCL Compass Nginx hostname. ccm-nginx
dashboards.service This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass Dashboards service. This parameter is required to use HCL Compass dashboard features for business analytics. Accepted values are:
  • True: enables the HCL Compass Dashboards service.
  • False: disables the HCL Compass Dashboards service.
dashboards.replicaCount Number of replica kibana pods. This parameter is required if dashboards.service=true. 1
dashboards.image.repository HCL Compass Kibana docker image repository path. This parameter is required if dashboards.service=true. ccm/opensearch-dashbaords
dashboards.image.tag HCL Compass Kibana image tag. This parameter is required if dashboards.service=true. 2.2.2
dashboards.image.pullPolicy HCL Compass Kibana image pull policy. This parameter is required if dashboards.service=true. Accepted values are:
  • IfNotPresent
  • Always
dashboards.hostname HCL Compass Kibana hostname. opensearch-dashboards
dashboards.password Opensearch Dashboards password. SeeUpdating OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards password for more information about updating the default password. admin
opensearch.hash Opensearch password has. SeeUpdating OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards password for more information about setting a new password hash. ""
opensearch.service This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass opensearch service. This parameter is required to use HCL Compass dashboard features for business analytics. Accepted values are:
  • True: enables the HCL Compass Opensearch service.
  • False: disables the HCL Compass Opensearch service.
opensearch.replicaCount Number of replica opensearch pods. This parameter is required if opensearch.service=true. 1
opensearch.image.repository HCL Compass Opensearch docker image repository path. This parameter is required if opensearch.service=true. ccm/opensearch
opensearch.image.tag HCL Compass Opensearch image tag. This parameter is required if opensearch.service=true. 2.6.0
opensearch.image.pullPolicy HCL Compass Opensearch image pull policy. This parameter is required if opensearch.service=true. Accepted values are:
  • IfNotPresent
  • Always
opensearch.hostname HCL Compass opensearch hostname. opensearch
opensearch.discoveryType opensearch discoveryType. single-node
logstash.service This parameter enables or disables the HCL Compass logstash service. This parameter is required to use HCL Compass logstash features for business analytics. Accepted values are:
  • True: enables the HCL Compass logstash service.
  • False: disables the HCL Compass logstash service.
logstash.replicaCount Number of replica logstash pods. This parameter is required if logstash.service=true. 1
logstash.image.repository HCL Compass Logstash Docker image repository path. This parameter is required if logstash.service=true. ccm/ccm-logstash
logstash.image.tag HCL Compass Logstash image tag. This parameter is required if logstash.service=true. 2.2.2
logstash.image.pullPolicy HCL Compass Logstash image pull policy. This parameter is required if logstash.service=true. Accepted values are:
  • IfNotPresent
  • Always
logstash.port HCL Compass logstash port number 5011
logstash.username HCL Compass logstash username ""
logstash.password HCL Compass logstash password ""