Configuring PostgreSQL

To use HCL Compass with PostgreSQL databases, you must install a supported release of PostgreSQL on your database server and create and customize the database container.

For detailed instructions configuring a PostgreSQL database server, see the PostgreSQL documentation.
  • In order to use PostgreSQL on Linux_x86_64, you must install the latest platform appropriate library.
  • The following parameters must be used to create new PostgreSQL connections and databases in HCL Compass:
    The DB server name or IP address.
    The PostgreSQL database name to use.
    User Name
    The PostgreSQL username. This is usually the owner of the DB.
    The PostgreSQ account password.
    Connect Options
    This parameter is optional. Port=<port number>. The default value is 5432.
  • Use the following example to create a test connection to server in pdsql:
    pdsql -v postgresql -s compassserver1 -db postgres -u postgres -p mypostgrespassword
  • The following example illustrates creation of a blank database that can be used as a schema repository (master database) or user database. The following example assumes that the PostgreSQL account password in postgres and creates a user and db named myschemarepodb.
    pdsql -v postgresql -s compassserver1 -db postgres -u postgres -p postgres
    CREATE DATABASE "myschemarepodb";
    CREATE USER "myschemarepodb" WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'psqlpasswd1';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "myschemarepodb" TO "myschemarepodb";
    pdsql.exe  -echo -noprompt -autocommit  -v POSTGRESQL -s compassserver1 -db myschemarepodb -u postgres -p postgres
    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO "myschemarepodb";
    pdsql.exe  -echo -noprompt -autocommit  -v POSTGRESQL -s compassserver1 -db myschemarepodb -u myschemarepodb -p psqlpasswd1
    create schema "myschemarepodb"
    You can then use the maintenance tool or the designer tool to create the new database as you would with any other vendor.
Troubleshooting: Here is how to diagnose and resolve some common configuration issues.
pdsql -v postgresql -s compassserver1 -db postgres -u postgres -p mypostgrespassword
  1. Firewall issues: you may encounter the following error:
    EXCEPTION: server closed the connection unexpectedly

    If you encounter this error, the server may have terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. To resolve the issue, contact IT services to open the firewall for the specified DB server and port. Port 5432 is the default.

  2. pg_hba.conf config issue. This error returns the following:
    EXCEPTION: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgres", database "postgres", no encryption
    State: 08001 Native: 101
    Connect String used: DRIVER={HCL PostgreSQL ODBC DRIVER};SERVER=;PORT=5432;Database=postgres;UID=postgres;PWD=******;LFConversion=0
    To resolve this issue, correct the pg_hba.conf file. The file contains instructions on how to fix it. The following example illustrates how to edit the file to allow all hosts to connect using password/md5:
    host    all             all             all                     password
    host    all             all             all                     md5
  3. postgresql.conf issue. This error returns the following:
    EXCEPTION: could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
            Is the server running on host "" and accepting
            TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
    State: 08001 Native: 101
    Connect String used: DRIVER={HCL PostgreSQL ODBC DRIVER};SERVER=;PORT=5432;Database=postgres;UID=postgres;PWD=******;LFConversion=0
    To resolve the issue, add the following to the postgresql.conf file:
    listen_addresses = '*'

    This will allow the postgreql.conf file to listen from all IP addresses. You can also list individual address that here. Once the file is updated, restart the server.