Using script undeployBIRT.bat/sh

How to run the undeployBIRT.bat/sh script to undeploy the birt.war for Windows, Linux and Unix systems.

About this task


  1. Find the scripts stored for Windows, Linux and Unix systems at:


    <cqhome>\reports\launcher\birt\undeployBIRT.bat Linux and the UNIX System: <cqhome>/reports/launcher/birt/ 

    Linux and Unix

  2. Running the script undeployBIRT.bat/sh:
    • Run the script to undeploy birt.war runtime and also to list all the Enterprise Applications deployed.


    • Edit the file 'undeployBIRT.bat', and verify that the variable WAS_PROFILE_PATH is set to file path for the target WebSphere profile.
    • Open Command Prompt (CMD).
    • cd to the directory that the BIRT undeploy script is stored (mentioned in step #1).
    • Execute command: ‘undeployBIRT birt_war’

    Linux and Unix

    1. Open a terminal.
    2. cd to the directory that the BIRT undeploy script is stored (mentioned in step #1).
    3. Change the attributes for the shell scripts, for example chmod 777 *.sh
    4. Execute command: ‘./ birt_war’

    The birt_war is the name of file you retrieved from BIRT runtime, it may be different from version to version. Provide the name of your file as the parameter to execute ‘undeployBIRT’ script.

    If at any time you wish to undeploy BIRT through WAS Console, you must go to the WAS console (typically at http://server_host:12060/ibm/console ) and navigate to removing the BIRT application runtime from the Enterprise Applications list.

  3. Usage


    undeployBIRT.bat ^<no arguments^>
            Undeploy default "birt.war" file under default WebSphere Application Server profile.  
    undeployBIRT.bat ^<war_file^>
            Undeploy the passed BIRT WAR file under default WebSphere Application Server profile.
    undeployBIRT.bat -list
            List all the applications deployed under default WebSphere Application Server profile.

    Linux <no arguments>"
            UnDeploy default \"birt_war\" file under default WebSphere Application Server Profile <war_file>"
            UnDeploy the passed BIRT WAR file under default WebSphere Application Server Profile. -list"
            List all the applications deployed under default WebSphere Application Server.