HCL Compass client temporary cache directory

When attachments are included in an email, the attachment files are downloaded to a temporary directory on the HCL Compass Client local computer.

The defined default location for the temporary directory is as follows:

The value of the %TEMP% environment variable. For example: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp
The value of the %TMP% environment variable. For example: C:\Windows\Temp
The default tmp directory. For example: /tmp/Compass/EmailPlus/Cache
You can customize the location of the temporary cache directory on Windows, Linux, and UNIX platforms by defining the EMP_TEMPDIR system environment variable. Set this environment variable to an absolute file path of your choice. Your HCL Compass client must have read/write access to this directory and have the ability to create files within the directory. On Linux and UNIX systems that multiple users access, you might need to define one EMP_TEMPDIR variable and create the directory with write permission for all users of that system. Alternatively, you might have to define EMP_TEMPDIR environment variables and directories for each individual user, if you are concerned about file system security issues.
Note: For best results, use the EMP_TEMPDIR system environment variable on HCL Compass Web servers if you plan to send attachments in EmailPlus notifications.

HCL Compass Client temporary cache directory housekeeping

Many record attachments are deleted after they have been included in an EmailPlus notification. However, to improve performance, template attachments are cached for the duration of a HCL Compass session and might not be deleted. A good practice is to periodically remove files from the temporary directory to prevent filesystem capacity issues. This housekeeping could be done using a cron job on Linux and UNIX systems, or a scheduled task on Windows systems. Be careful when deleting these files because some of the files might still be required by open sessions. Consider deleting cached attachment files only if they are older than 24 hours old.