Repositories and databases

You can use the HCL Compass REST API to interact with repositories and databases.

Note: Use of the REST API server is not supported in an on premises environment, such as on Windows and Linux. To use the HCL Compass REST API server in a supported environment, deploy the HCL Compass REST API server to a Kubernetes environment. For more information, see Getting Started with HCL Compass Helm Chart.
You can use the HCL Compass REST API to interact with repositories and databases with the following endpoints:
Valid response is 200.
Valid parameter is repo.
Valid responses are 200, and 404 (Schema repository not found.)
Valid parameter is repo.
Valid responses are 200, and 404 (Schema repository not found.)
To query the list schema repositories, use GET https://localhost:8190/ccmweb/rest/repos. For example:
    "name": "10.0.0"
    "name": "CCMRepo"
For more information, see https:// localhost:8190/swagger-ui.html#/Repos/getAllRepos.

After you have a list of schema repositories, use GET https://localhost:8190/ccmweb/rest/repos/CCMRepo/databases to get a list of databases in each repository.

Sample response:
    "name": "SAMPL"

For more information on all databases, see https://localhost:8190/swagger-ui.html#/Databases/getAllDatabases. For detailed properties for a database, see https://localhost:8190/swagger-ui.html#/Database/getDatabase.