Installing HCL Compass with Emissary-ingress Load Balancer

You can install hcl-compass with Emissary-ingress load balancer when you plan to scale up hcl-compass pods by running multiple instances. The Emissary-ingress load balancer distrubtes network traffic to all hcl-compass pods. Once you have multiple instances of hcl-compass running, you can perform rolling updates without downtime.

Before you begin

  1. Prepare the cluster for installation of a helm chart.
  2. Check the openssl version that is installed in your environment. It must be version 1.1.1 or later.
    $ openssl version
      OpenSSL 1.1.1s  1 Nov 2022
  3. Make sure that port 443 is not in use.
    $ openssl version
      netstat -anp | grep 443 | grep LISTEN


  1. Install Emissary-ingress into your cluster.
    You can install Emissary-ingress using either Helm or Kubernetes YAML. Installing using Helm is recommended. For more information, see the Emissary-ingress quick start guide.
    • To install Emissary-ingress into your cluster using Helm:
      # Add the Repo:
      helm repo add datawire
      helm repo update
      # Create Namespace and Install:
      kubectl create namespace emissary && \
      kubectl apply -f
      kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=available deployment emissary-apiext -n emissary-system
      helm install emissary-ingress --namespace emissary datawire/emissary-ingress && \
      kubectl -n emissary wait --for condition=available --timeout=90s deploy
    • To install Emissary-ingress using Kubernetes YAML:
      kubectl create namespace emissary && \
      kubectl apply -f && \
      kubectl wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=available deployment emissary-apiext -n emissary-system
      kubectl apply -f && \
      kubectl -n emissary wait --for condition=available --timeout=90s deploy -lproduct=aes
      Check the emissary resources and make sure that all resources have been deployed and that they are running:
      kubectl get all -n emissary
      kubectl get all -n emissary-system
      If emissary-ingress service EXTERNAL-IP is in a pending state, then you must use Port Forwarding to Access Applications in a Cluster.
      kubectl port-forward deployment/emissary-ingress --address [Your_External_IP_Address] 443:8443 -n emissary
  2. Generate Ingress Secrets:
    1. Set values: Set the Ingress Domain address and Namespace name:
    2. Create namespace:
      kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE 
    3. Create ingress secrets:
      helm pull compass/hcl-compass --untar \ 
        && chmod +x hcl-compass/files/*.sh \
        && bash hcl-compass/files/ -n $NAMESPACE -s ingress $INGRESS_DOMAIN
      To check that the ingress and ingress-ca secrets are created, run the following:
      kubectl get secret -n $NAMESPACE | grep ingress
  3. Install HCL Compass.
    helm upgrade --install hcl-compass compass/hcl-compass \
      --namespace $NAMESPACE \
      --set global.hclCertSecretName=ingress \
      --set global.domain=$INGRESS_DOMAIN \
      --set hclFlexnetURL=[flexnet-url] \
      --set hclFlexnetID=[flexnet-id] \
      --set ingress.enabled=true,ingress.type=mapping \
      --set keycloak.enabled=true,keycloak.service.enabled=true \
      --set replicaCount=[Number_of_replica]
    Ensure that the ingress URL mapping is created.
    kubectl get mapping -n $NAMESPACE
  4. Start the Keycloak home page by using https://hcl-compass-keycloak.$INGRESS_DOMAIN/ and trust the keycloak certificate. The username is admin adnd the password is admin.
  5. Start the HCL Compass home page in your browser by using https://hcl-compass.$INGRESS_DOMAIN/. The username is admin adnd the password is admin.