Checklist of user tasks on Windows

Depending on which HCL Compass Client you intend to use, your postinstallation tasks can vary. In all cases, ensure that you have a user ID and password for HCL Compass, the administrator has officially deployed the product, and you are properly licensed. Otherwise, your tasks can range from a basic a login to the web client to configuring an Eclipse Workbench Environment.

Table 1. Postinstallation tasks for HCL Compass Client
Step Tasks Information
1 Using the HCL Compass Client

The HCL Compass Client does not require any postinstallation configuration.

The only requirements are that you log in (step 2) and configure a web browser to access the help (step 3).

Understanding the HCL Compass client
2 Logging in

After a connection to a schema repository is created, users can log in to the schema repository and select the user database to access from either of the Eclipse clients.

Connection management
Table 2. Post installation tasks for HCL Compass Client for Windows
Steps Tasks Information
1 Logging in

After a new connection to a schema repository is created, users can log in to the schema repository and select the user database to access.

Working with databases
2 Configuring HCL Compassfor email notification

You can configure HCL Compass clients to notify you of changes to records through email.

Enabling HCL Compass client email capabilities
Table 3. Post installation tasks for HCL Compass Web Client
Step Tasks Information
1 Logging in

After a new connection to a schema repository is created, users can log in to the schema repository and select the user database to access.

Working with schema repositories and user databases
2 Enabling JavaScript in web browsers

You must enable JavaScript in your web browsers if you plan to use the HCL Compass Web client. For best performance of the HCL Compass Web client, verify that your web browser is configured properly.

Enabling JavaScript in Web browsers