Importing MBean configuration settings

You can restore previous MBean settings by using a saved configuration.

About this task

The following variables are used in path names:
Directory where HCL Compass is installed
Directory where your HCL Compass Web server profile is installed


  1. In a command prompt window, set the default directory to the location of the HCL Compass Web server support scripts for the wsadmin command shell.
    For example:
    cd "Compass-home\cqweb\scripts"
    UNIX Linux
    cd $Compass-home/cqweb/scripts
  2. Set the WAS_BIN variable to the location of the wsadmin tool by using the syntax appropriate for your shell.
    For example:
    set WAS_BIN="CQWebWASprofileHome\bin"
    UNIX Linux
  3. Start the wsadmin tool by specifying the HCL Compass Web server profile name. The default profile name is cqwebprofile.
    For example:
    %WAS_BIN%\wsadmin -profileName cqwebprofile
    UNIX Linux
    $WAS_BIN/ -profileName cqwebprofile
  4. Load the HCL Compass Web server Jacl support scripts, which include the exportToFile and importFile commands, into your wsadmin command shell:

    wsadmin> source teamAdminUtils.jacl

  5. Import the MBean configuration settings from a previously exported configuration.
    For example:
    wsadmin> importFile C:/temp/cqwebserver_backups/MBean.bck
    UNIX Linux
    wsadmin> importFile /tmp/cqwebserver_backups/MBean.bck
    Important: When you run a Jacl script from the wsadmin command shell on Windows, you can use forward slashes / in a path specification that you pass to the script. Alternatively, if you choose to use backslashes \, you must escape each backslash character with an extra backslash.