Creating a Temporary Tablespace


  1. In the database home page, select the Administration tab from the tool bar.
  2. In the Storage area, click Tablespaces.
  3. Click Create just above the Tablespace listings table.
  4. In the Name field under the General tab, provide a name for the Temporary Tablespace.
  5. Verify that the sections, Extent Management, Type, and Status have the following values selected.
    • Select Locally Managed for Extent Management
    • Select Temporary for Type (do not checkSet as default temporary tablespace)
    • Select Read Write for Status
  6. Click Add in the Datafiles section.
  7. In the Create Tablespace: Add Datafile page, provide a name for the Datafile in the File Name field and accept the default location in the File Directory field.
  8. Specify a size for the tablespace. Temporary Tablespaces can typically be one-fourth the size of the Permanent Tablespace. However, this size can change drastically depending on your schemas.
  9. (Optional) If you want the Temporary Tablespace size to increase automatically when data exceeds data size requirements, check Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND) under the section, Storage.
  10. Click Continue and in the Create Tablespace page click OK.


In the Tablespace page, the Temporary Tablespace you just created is listed in the Results table.