Setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable

Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the directory where the Java runtime environment is installed on your administrative computer.

About this task

You can create a key database for storing SSL certificates by using the Global Security Kit (GSKit) iKeyMan utility. To use the iKeyMan utility, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the directory where the Java runtime environment (JRE) is installed on your administrative computer. You must use the JRE that HCL Compass provides. By default, the HCL Compass installation places the JRE in this directory: HCL_COMMON\JAVA5.0\jre

Note: Use the JREs produced by AdoptOpenKDK at
The following variable is used in path names in this topic:
Directory where HCL common files are installed


  1. On your Windows desktop, right-click My Computer and select Properties.
  2. Click the Advanced tab and then click Environment Variables.
  3. In the System variables area, click New.
    1. In the Variable name field, enter JAVA_HOME.
    2. In the Variable value field, enter the pathname of the JRE installation directory. For example: C:\HCL_COMMON\JAVA5.0\jre
    3. Click OK.
  4. Click OK again.
  5. Alternatively, you can temporarily set the JAVA_HOME environment variable within a Windows command prompt window. Then run the iKeyMan utility from within the command prompt window.