EMP_Verbatim function

When this function is called in an expression or in the schema code for a custom meta tag, it returns a string that is not formatted for HTML email.




This example shows how to modify an expression in an EmailPlus EmailPlusTemplate record so that the output is not formatted for HTML.
#@EXPRESSION::EMP_Verbatim(); if ( quotemeta(Gfv("Description")) ne quotemeta(Gfov("Description") ) { "The Description field has changed: “.Gfv(“Description") ; }@#

This example shows you how to override the default behavior of autoformatting field value meta tags:

Note: The EMP_Verbatim function cannot be used in conjunction with the field meta tags because of the way EmailPlusTemplates are parsed. #@EXPRESSION::EMP_Verbatim(#?Description?#);@# will not work. You must use the Gfv() function and the Gfov() function.