Expression tag

Use this tag to the value that is returned by evaluating the expression.



Options and arguments

The expression can be any valid Perl expression. The expression can include any Perl built-in function or any function that is defined in the global scripts section of the schema to which the package is applied. The Perl expression is validated against the EmailPlusTemplate record type, not the target record type of the template. Expressions can include embedded field expressions. See Working with embedded field expressions in meta tags.


In this example, the expression formats the current value of the SubmitDate field using Perl. Suppose the value of the SubmitDate field is 23 February 2012 at 5:40 a.m. The text that is inserted into an email message is 23-02-2012 05:40:00.
#@Expression:: use Date::Format;use Date::Parse; my $template = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"; time2str( $template, str2time( #?SubmitDate?#, "UTC" ) );@#

For more examples of how to use the Expression tag, see Expression tag examples.