EmailPlusRule advanced rules examples


Use the EmailPlusRule Advanced Rules tab to define or enhance your rule conditions.
This example shows an expression that returns TRUE if the value of the SubmitDate field is within the last 24 hours.
StoDT( Gfv( "SubmitDate" ) ) > ( time() - ( 24*60*60 ) )

The Gfv() function retrieves the value of SubmitDate in UTC date-time information, for example 2009-08-16 09:17:54.

The StoDT command converts the UTC date-time information into an elapsed time in seconds, for example 1250414274.

The Time() function returns the current elapsed time, for example 1250439474. The elapsed time is reduced by 24 hours represented in seconds (24*60*60).

If the time now is 7 hours later than when the record was submitted, then:

StoDT( ( “2009-08-16 09:17:54” ) > ( 1250439474 – 86400 ) ) evaluates to ( 1250414274 > 1250353074 ) which evaluates to 1 or TRUE.

This examples shows an expression that returns TRUE if the value of the Project.Name field contains the word “test”. The rule is not case sensitive.
( Gfv( "Project.Name" ) =~ /test/i )

If the name of the project that is associated with the modified record is “Project Omega” then:

( “Project Omega” =~ /test/i ) is evaluated as 0 or FALSE.

If the name of the project associated with the modified record is “My Test Project” then:

( “My Test Project” =~ /test/i ) is evaluated as 1 TRUE.