Email transport types

EmailPlus supports several transport types. You can select different transport types for different sites in an HCL Compass MultiSite environment.


The CQMail transport type uses the standard HCL Compass mail object to transport email. The server details are taken from the client configuration. The CQMail transport type has all the limitations of the standard Email Rules package regarding HTML content, mail headers, and attachments.


The Custom transport type provides all the benefits of the rich content and rules of the EmailPlus package. You provide a custom solution to relay the messages.

In HCL Compass Designer, you can edit the EMP_SendMail_CUSTOM function in the EMP_Customisable Perl Global Script to provide for transport functions that you require. If you do not customize the EMP_SendMail_CUSTOM function, the custom transport displays only a warning message when you run EmailPlus in debug mode. For information about debug mode, see Debugging EmailPlus.

You can use the EMP_SiteConfig_CUSTOM_SetFormFieldRequiredness function in the EMP_Customisable Perl Global Script to specify whether a field is required on the EmailPlusSiteConfig record. By default, all of the fields are optional, but you can modify fields to make them mandatory or read-only.

SMTP Direct

The SMTP Direct transport type uses a direct connection to the SMTP server. SMTP Direct enables the package to send emails that contain HTML and embedded images. SMTP Direct also enables the use of attachments and SMTP mail headers.

SMTP Relay

SMTP Relay is the same as SMTP Direct, except that message components are sent as an XML data stream, and the components are sent to a relay component that receives the XML data and are converted to an email that is delivered to your SMTP server. SMTP Relay enables the package to operate in environments where the SMTP server accepts requests only from named IP addresses.

PostOffice Relay

The PostOffice Relay transport type stores the details of email required as records in the HCL Compass database. Each email required creates one record of type EmailPlusPostOffice. The EmailPlusOffice records contain information for the relay service component to retrieve and generate the email.