Creating REST URIs to log on

You can create REST URIs to log on to HCL Compass Web.

About this task

To create a REST URI to log on to HCL Compass Web:


  1. On the HCL Compass Web toolbar, click the arrow next to New Change Request and select New REST URI.
    The New REST URI wizard opens.
  2. Select Log on from the REST URI Type list.
  3. Click Create.
    The REST URI logon template appears in the REST URI Template field.
  4. Copy the template into a text editor and replace the placeholders {{loginid}} and {{password}} with your login ID and password, respectively.

    Optional: Change the default format for the resource request from HTML to XML or ATOM.

  5. Copy the modified template into your Web application or another Web browser window.
  6. Click Reset to create a new REST URI template or Close to exit.


The following REST URI template to log on to HCL Compass Web was created by using the New REST URI wizard.

The variables and template placeholders have the following meanings:
Web address of your HCL Compass Web server host system. This value is defined when the REST URI template is created.
Your HCL Compass connection. This value is defined when the REST URI template is created.
Your HCL Compass user database. This value is defined when the REST URI template is created.
The default format for the resource request is HTML. You can change the format to XML or ATOM, if desired.
Placeholder for your logon ID.
Placeholder for your password.