PermissionKind constants

The PermissionKind constants identify the change and access permissions that can be set for groups for workspace folder security conditions.

Note: This enumerated constant became available in version 7.1.0.
Constant Permission Kind Value Description
_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION No-Access 1 No access permission
_READ_ONLY_PERMISSION Read-Only 2 Read only access permission
_READ_WRITE_PERMISSION Read-Write 3 Read and write access permission
_READ_LIMITED_PERMISSION Read-Limited 4 Read-limited access permission
_CHANGE_PERMISSION_PERMISSION Change-Permission 5 Permission to change access permissions
  • Change-Permission: Grants permission to change the permissions on a folder.
  • Read-Limited: Grants permission to see the folder, but content is limited to only folders for which the user has at least an explicit Read-Limited or Read-Only permission. Since permissions cannot be assigned to non-folder items, a user with this access cannot see those items either.
  • Read-Write: Grants permission to read and write the entire content of the folder. This includes creating new items, including subfolders.
  • Read-Only: Grants permission to read the entire content of the folder. No modifications are allowed.
  • No-Access: Grants permission to do nothing with the folder. The folder name itself may be visible to a user (subject to a Read-Limited permission), but its content is not. You can use the No-Access permission to deny or prevent object access by explicitly granting this permission (rather than denying some other permission).