Hardware, software, and database requirements

Review the requirements information to identify operating system, file system, and compatibility requirements, prerequisite tasks, and other information that is required to install or upgrade HCL Compass.

IBM® Installation Manager requirements
  • IBM Installation Manager, version 1.8.6 or later

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) requirement
  • For the HCL Compass installation, you must have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) compatible with Java 8 installed before you install HCL Compass. During the installation of HCL Compass, you have to set the path to the java executable in your JRE installation. If you do not have a JRE already, you can obtain one from AdoptOpenJDK at http://adoptopenjdk.net.
    Tip: For the initial installation of a JRE, install it in a folder of your choice with a folder name that does not identify the version number for the Java. As an example, use a folder name like "jdk" instead of "jdk_v8.0." Later, when you want to install a new updated Java (as an example, jdk_v8.5), install the updated Java into the same file system location as the initial Java. Then no reconfiguration of HCL Compass will be needed because of a new JRE. For more information, see the Reconfiguring HCL Compass to use a different JRE topic

For more detailed information, see the HCL Compass system requirements information and the installation and upgrade information in this information center.