Overriding Query search profiles to modify the response fields

In this topic, you will learn how to override query search profiles to modify the response fields.


Override query search profiles to modify the response fields.

You can override default search profiles by creating a custom profile using the same name as the default profile. If a custom profile with the same name as a default profile is available, the custom profile is used and the default profile is ignored. For detailed steps on overriding search profiles, see Setting up your custom search profile.

  • Override the default search query profile to include the additional seller_description.raw attribute in the query response.
  • Extend the default HCL_findCatalogEntrySKUs search profile by adding seller_description.raw into the responseFields section of the existing search profile.
    GET http://QUERY_HOST:30920/search/resources/api/v2/documents/profiles/HCL_findCatalogEntrySKUs
  • Execute the GET call to retrieve the default query profile, and execute the PUT call to create the custom query profile using the response of the GET call as a request Body after adding the seller.description.raw attribute in JSON. This would extend the default query profile as follows:
    GET http://GET http://<QUERY_HOST>:<QUERY_PORT>/search/resources/api/v2/documents/profiles/HCL_findCatalogEntrySKUs :<QUERY_PORT>/search/resources/api/v2/documents/profiles/HCL_findCatalogEntrySKUs
    For example:
    GET http://QUERY_HOST:30920/search/resources/api/v2/documents/profiles/HCL_findCatalogEntrySKUs
    PUT http://QUERY_HOST:30920/search/resources/api/v2/documents/profiles/HCL_findCatalogEntrySKUs
            "profileName": "HCL_findCatalogEntrySKUs",
            "indexName": "product",
            "query": {
                "params": [
                        "maxRows": "1200"
                "queryFields": [
                "provider": [
                "preprocessor": [],
                "postprocessor": [
                "responseFields": [
  • The response should be similar to:
      "Profile created with name": "HCL_findCatalogEntrySKUs"
  • Repeat this step for theHCL_V2_findProductByPartNumber_Details search profile by adding seller_description.raw into the responseFields section of the existing search profile.
    GET http://QUERY_HOST:QUERY_PORT/search/resources/api/v2/documents/profiles/HCL_V2_findProductByPartNumber_Details
  • Add seller_description.raw into the responseFields section of the existing search profile to use it as a request body for the below PUT call to override the default HCL_V2_findProductByPartNumber_Details search profile.
    PUT http://QUERY_HOST:30920/search/resources/api/v2/documents/profiles/HCL_V2_findProductByPartNumber_Details
            "profileName": "HCL_V2_findProductByPartNumber_Details",
            "indexName": "product",
            "query": {
                "params": [
                        "DynamicKitReturnPrice": "true"
                        "maxRows": "50"
                "queryFields": [
                "provider": [
                "preprocessor": [],
                "postprocessor": [
                "responseFields": [
    The response should resemble:
      "Profile created with name": "HCL_V2_findProductByPartNumber_Details"
  • Restart the Query Service container.

Test the customization to verify that the customization is successful.

In this topic, you have covered how to modify the response fields by overriding query search profiles .