HCL Commerce Version or later

Asset Store indexing API and schema

The Asset Store REST interface

The endpoint for the Asset Store indexing process is:
POST http://Ingest Server:Ingest Port/connectors/auth.reindex.cas/run?storeId=Catalog Asset Store Id
Where Catalog Asset Store Id is the numerical ID of a catalog asset store; for example, in the HCL Commerce sample catalogs, you can use 10501 for the Aurora B2B CAS, or 12001 for the Marketplace. This command instructs the system to build indexes for all eSite stores under this catalog asset store. There is only one logical flow to the indexing process regardless of the number of eSites, languages or catalogs. For example:
POST http://myingestserver:30800/connectors/auth.reindex.cas/run?storeId=10501
Note: If you connect using auth.reindex, it will forward to auth.reindex.cas. You can directly connect to auth.reindex.cas to improve processing speed.
For default data two asset stores are included: 10501 and 12001.
When you build with StoreId=10501, the following eSite stores’ indexes are built:
  • 1 – AuroraESite
  • 2 – AuroraB2BESite
  • 12- Sapphire
  • 22 – SapphirePlus
When build with StoreId=12001, the following eSite stores’ indexes are built:
  • 11 – Emerald
  • 21 – EmeraldPlus
  • 31- EmeraldMP

Check the Asset Store index

Issue the following REST requests to validate the index. The example used is the ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore, which has the store ID 10501.
Get all stores
ES Server:ES Port/auth.store/_search 
Get all catalogs in asset store 10501
ES Server:ES Port/auth.10501.catalog/_search 
Get all categories in asset store 10501
ES Server:ES Port/auth.10501.category/_search?size=500 
Get all products in asset store 10501
ES Server:ES Port/auth.10501.product/_search?size=500 
Get all long descriptions in asset store 10501
ES Server:ES Port/auth.10501.description/_search 
Get all attributes in asset store 10501
ES Server:ES Port/auth.10501.attribute/_search?size=500
Get all pages in asset store 10501
HCL Commerce Version or later
ES Server:ES Port/auth.10501.page/_search?size=200

Asset Store schemas

In existing eSite based indexes, each eSite store has its own copy of catalog, category, product and attribute documents. Most of the data in these documents copy are the same. This causes a proliferation of duplicate data.

In Asset Store based indexes, all eSite stores share the same catalog, category, product and attribute document.
Store Schema
For the Store schema, the only differen between the eSite indexing model and the Asset Store model is that the latter adds the asset_store variable to each eSite store to indicate which of this eSite's stores are Catalog Asset stores. For example,
                "_index": "auth.store",
                "_type": "_doc",
                "_id": "1--1",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "identifier": {


                        "member": "-5000",
                        "language": "-1",
                        "store": 1,
                        "asset_store": "10501",
where the bolded entry adds the Catalog Asset store ID of this esite store to the schema.