Report_WCS_PickPackListDetail message

The Report_WCS_PickPackListDetail message is an outbound message that reports pick ticket and packing list details. HCL Commerce generates this message in response to the inbound Inquire_WCS_PickPackListDetail message. The inbound message calls the GetPickPackListDetail command which redirects to either PickPackListRedirectView view task on successful completion, or PickPackListErrorView view task on command failure. PickPackListRedirectView is implemented by PickPackListResult.jsp for response processing. PickPackListErrorView is implemented by PickPackListError.jsp.

The Report_WCS_PickPackListDetail message contains two individual fixed XML slips generated by the Create_WCS_PickPackListDetail_10.dtd. They are the pick ticket and the packing list. The attributes of pick tickets and packing lists are described in the tables below.

The Report_WCS_PickPackListDetail message uses the XML message format and follows Report_WCS_PickPackListDetail_10.dtd.

The following table describes the format of the Report_PickPackListDetail message. For a description of the database column, follow the link to its associated table. All fields are optional unless otherwise noted. The tag value length in the XML message for database fields of type INT, BIGINT and DOUBLE should be CHAR (10), CHAR(19), and CHAR(16) respectively.

Level XML Element Comment Table Name Column Name Note
1 Pickticket Mandatory N/A N/A Contains Pickbatch_Information and Pickbatch_Items. Multiple Pickbatch_Items may be found in 1 message.
2 Pickbatch_Information Mandatory N/A N/A With attributes of Store_Name, Fulfillment_Center and Pickbatch_Number
3 Store_Name Mandatory STOREENTDS DISPLAYNAME An attribute of Pickbatch_Information
4 Fulfillment_Center Mandatory FFMCENTDS DISPLAYNAME An attribute of Pickbatch_Information
5 Pickbatch_Number Mandatory PICKBATCH PICKBATCH_ID An attribute of Pickbatch_Information
6 Pickbatch_Items N/A N/A With attributes of SKU, Product_Name, Product_Description and Quantity
7 SKU Mandatory BASEITEM PARTNUMBER An attribute of Pickbatch_Items
8 Product_Name Mandatory BASEITMDSC SHORTDESCRIPTION An attribute of Pickbatch_Items
9 Product_Description BASEITMDSC LONGDESCRIPTION An attribute of Pickbatch_Items
10 Quantity Mandatory ORDERITEMS QUANTITY An attribute of Pickbatch_Items

The content of this DTD file is fixed and should not be modified.

For PackSlip_20.dtd

Level XML Element Comment Table Name Column Name Note
1 Packslip Mandatory N/A N/A Contains Order_Information, Shipto and Order_Items. Multiple Pack slip may be found in 1 message.
2 Order_Information Mandatory N/A N/A With attributes of Store_Name, Fulfillment_Center, Order_Number, Release_Number, PickBatch_Number, Order_Date, Catalog_Name, Shipping_Provider, Customer_Number and Invoice_Method
3 Store_Name Mandatory STOREENTDS DISPLAYNAME An attribute of Order_Information
4 Fulfillment_Center Mandatory FFMCENTDS DISPLAYNAME An attribute of Order_Information
5 Order_Number Mandatory ORDERITEMS ORDERS_ID An attribute of Order_Information
6 Release_Number Mandatory ORDERITEMS ORDERELEASENUM An attribute of Order_Information
7 PickBatch_Number Mandatory PICKBATCH PICKBATCH_ID An attribute of Order_Information
8 Order_Date Mandatory ORDERS TIMEPLACED Attribute of Order_Information
9 Shipping_Provider Mandatory SHPMODEDSC DESCRIPTION An attribute of Order_Information
10 Customer_Number Mandatory ORDERS MEMBER_ID An attribute of Order_Information
11 Invoice_Method TERMCOND STRINGFIELD1 This is a sting. 3 options: both, e-Mail, printed. Default is NULL.
12 Shipto Mandatory N/A N/A With attributes of AddressID, First_Name, Last_Name, Middle_Name, Address_1, Address_2, Address_3, City, State, Zip and Country
13 AddressID Mandatory ADDRESS ADDRESS_ID An attribute of Shipto
14 First_Name ADDRESS FIRSTNAME An attribute of Shipto
15 Last_Name Mandatory ADDRESS LASTNAME An attribute of Shipto
16 Middle_Name ADDRESS MIDDLENAME An attribute of Shipto
17 Address_1 Mandatory ADDRESS MIDDLENAME An attribute of Shipto
18 Address_2 ADDRESS ADDRESS2 An attribute of Shipto
19 Address_3 ADDRESS ADDRESS3 An attribute of Shipto
20 City Mandatory ADDRESS CITY An attribute of Shipto
21 State ADDRESS STATE An attribute of Shipto
22 Zip ADDRESS ZIPCODE An attribute of Shipto
23 Country Mandatory ADDRESS COUNTRY An attribute of Shipto
24 Shipping_Instructions SHIPINFO INSTRUCTIONS
25 Shipping_Carrier_ Accnt_Num SHIPINFO CARRIERACCNTNUM
26 Order_Items Mandatory N/A N/A May contain multiple components with attributes of SKU, Product_Name, Product_Description, Quantity, Catalog_Name, Unit_Price, Total_Price, Currency and Customer_Comments.
27 SKU Mandatory BASEITEM PARTNUMBER An attribute of Order_Items
28 Product_Name Mandatory BASEITMDSC SHORTDESCRIPTION An attribute of Order_Items
29 Product_Description BASEITMDSC LONGDESCRIPTION An attribute of Order_Items
30 Quantity Mandatory ORDERITEMS QUANTITY An attribute of Order_Items
31 Catalog_Name Mandatory CATENTDESC NAME An attribute of Order_Items
32 Unit_Price Mandatory ORDERITEMS PRICE An attribute of Order_Items
33 Total_Price Mandatory ORDERITEMS TOTALPRODUCT An attribute of Order_Items
34 Currency Mandatory ORDERITEMS CURRENCY An attribute of Order_Items
35 Customer_Comments ORDERITEMS COMMENTS An attribute of Order_Items
36 Component N/A N/A With attributes of SKU, Product_Name, Product_Description and Quantity
37 SKU Mandatory BASEITEM PARTNUMBER An attribute of Component
38 Product_Name Mandatory BASEITMDSC SHORTDESCRIPTION An attribute of Component
39 Product_Description BASEITMDSC LONGDESCRIPTION An attribute of Component
40 Quantity Mandatory ORDERITEMS QUANTITY An attribute of Component