Configuring your pipeline to build a customization package

After developers check in code to your source code repository, you need to build a customization package to include the new code.

Ensure that your pipeline can access a Windows machine that has installed. includes a WCB utility that you can use to build your customization package. The WCB utility creates a ZIP package in the specific file structure that is needed to build new Docker images. You can build a customization package targeted for a specific application (search-app, xc-app, or ts-app). The following tree summarizes the structure of a ZIP package.

    + Code
                |----search-config.jar   /*These JAR files will be copied to lib folder in search-ear*/
                  |-- lib
                       |---- xxx.jar  /*Any JAR files under this path will be copied into ts.ear under relative paths*/
                  |-- ejb
                       |---- xxx.jar  /*Will invoke wsadmin scripts to update ejb model for WebsphereCommerceExtentionData.jar)
                  |-- xxx.jar         /*Any JAR files under this path will be copied into ts.ear under relative paths)
                  |-- xxx.war         /*Will copy and replace file under xxx.war folder)
               |----wc-web.war        /*will unzip crs.ear, replace wc-web.war file, and then repackage as crs.ear)
    + Config
         | --search-app
                | -- search-runtime
         | -- xc-app
         | -- ts-app                  /*Will copy folders under this path to /SETUP/app/customization)
    + Certs                           /*This is an additional folder. If you have certificates that you want to bundle, you
                                           need to implement WCB logic to package in the ZIP*/                 
         |--------xxx.json( with privatekey/issue-ca/certification)
    + DeployScripts                   /*This is an additional folder. If you have custom deployment scripts,
                                           you need to implement WCB logic to package in the ZIP*/ 

Each application package will only include the related folders. For example, if you run the WCB utility for the ts-app application, then the resulting package will include the ts-app folders and any additional folders that you added such as Certs and DeployScripts.

The following procedure provides guidelines for implementing the build procedure into your pipeline. You can use an orchestration tool like Jenkins or IBM Urban Code Deploy to orchestrate your pipeline.


  1. Ensure that the WCB utility is configured to extract from your source code repository.

    For more information, see Setting up source extraction Ant script.

  2. Ensure that you configured build settings to determine the default application to build.

    For more information, see Configuring packaging settings.

  3. Create a script that can be used by your pipeline to run the WCB utility and push the created package to your artifact repository.
    For more information about running the WCB utility, see Building packages.

    After the WCB utility is run, a ZIP package is created and saved to the WCDE_installdir/wcbd/dist/server/ Upload this package to your artifact repository.