Defect HC-24110

productSuggestionsBySearchTerm search fails for some Part Number Searches


Customer case Applies to Corrected in
CS0360575 V9.1.9.0

Observed behavior

When the shopper's search term contains a dash or blank, incorrect results are being returned in the product suggestions.

An error similar to the following appears: "error": { "root_cause": [

{ "type": "query_shard_exception", "reason": "failed to create query: Can only use phrase queries on text fields - not on [default.suggestion._index_prefix] which is of type [prefix]", "index_uuid": "MqfNflkHSiO3M0UzK6jn6g", "index": ".auth.10151.product.202212160022" }

], "type": "search_phase_execution_exception", "reason": "all shards failed",

Expected behavior

The shopper's search term should be respected.


Fixed Indirectly