
link GraphQL Schema definition

1type Query {
3# Gets currency format by currency.
5# Equivalent to GET /store/{storeId}/currency_format
7# Arguments
8# currency: The query name.
9# numberUsage: The number usage.
10# q: The query name.
11# storeId: The store identifier.
13currency: String,
14numberUsage: String,
15q: Q!,
16storeId: String!
17): StoreCurrencyFormatDescriptionResponse
18# Gets display prices for catalog entries by part numbers and price rule ID.
20# Equivalent to GET /store/{storeId}/display_price
22# Arguments
23# catalogEntryId: The unique id of catalog entry.
24# currency: The currency of the price.
25# partNumber: The unique id of catalog entry.
26# priceRuleId: The unique id of price rule.
27# priceRuleName: The name of price rule.
28# q: The query name.
29# quantity: The quantity of the catalog entry.
30# storeId: The store identifier.
31# uom: The unit of measurement of the quantity.
33catalogEntryId: [String]!,
34currency: String,
35partNumber: [String]!,
36priceRuleId: String!,
37priceRuleName: String!,
38q: Q3!,
39quantity: String,
40storeId: String!,
41uom: String
42): DisplayPriceIBMStoreDisplayPrice
43# Gets the entitled and range prices for catalog entries by part numbers.
45# Equivalent to GET /store/{storeId}/price
47# Arguments
48# catalogEntryId: The id of the catalog entry.
49# checkEntitlement: Whether to enable entitlement check when
50# retrieving prices.
51# contractId: The unique id of the contract.
52# currency: The currency of the price.
53# date: The date of the price.
54# dynamicKitAsItem: Whether ot treat dynamic kits as items when
55# retrieving prices.
56# partNumber: The part number of the catalog entry.
57# profileName: Profile name. Profiles determine the subset of
58# data returned by a query.
59# q: The query name.
60# quantity: The quantity of the catalog entry.
61# storeId: The store identifier.
62# uom: The unit of measurement of the quantity.
64catalogEntryId: [String]!,
65checkEntitlement: CheckEntitlement,
66contractId: String,
67currency: Currency,
68date: String,
69dynamicKitAsItem: DynamicKitAsItem,
70partNumber: [String]!,
71profileName: ProfileName,
72q: Q2!,
73quantity: String,
74storeId: String!,
75uom: String
76): PricePrice

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