Class FlowSelectionListBean

  • java.lang.Object
  • All Implemented Interfaces:,,,,, FlowSelectionListInputDataBean, FlowSelectionListSmartDataBean,

    public class FlowSelectionListBean
    implements FlowSelectionListInputDataBean, FlowSelectionListSmartDataBean,
    Provides a list of FlowAdminDataBean objects.

    The Selection of the flows from the FlowAdmin table is based on the FlowType, OrgEntity and StoreEntity.

    If there is no flow available for the given Flowtype/OrgEntity/StoreEntity, the following steps are performed in sequence.

    1. Gets the parent organisation for the given orgEntity and searches for flows for this Parent. This is repeated till flows are found for the parent or there are no more parents.
    2. If there were not any flows found in the step above, the StoreGroup of the given StoreEntity is used to locate a Flow.
    3. If still there was no flow found, Search is done for the Storegroup and the Parents of the OrgEntity. This is repeated till flows are found for the parent or there are no more parents.
    4. If all the above searches failed, A search is done for flows that belong to the Site using the site id and the default organisation.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String CLASSNAME
      The name of this class.
      static java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
      IBM copyright notice field.
      • Fields inherited from class

      • Fields inherited from interface

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Constructs a FlowSelectionListBean object.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      FlowAdminDataBean[] getFlowAdmins()
      Retuns a array of FlowAdminDataBean.
      java.lang.String getFlowTypeId()
      Retuns the FlowTypeId.
      java.lang.String getStoreId()
      Retuns the StoreId.
      java.lang.String getUserId()
      Retuns the UserId.
      void populate()
      Looks up a sorted list of flowAdmins, then populates an array of FlowAdminsDataBean objects from the list entries.
      void setFlowAdmins(FlowAdminDataBean[] newFlowAdmins)
      Sets a array of FlowAdminDataBean.
      void setFlowTypeId(java.lang.String newFlowTypeId)
      Sets the flowTypeId and uses the value to set a key field on the access bean.
      void setStoreId(java.lang.String newStoreId)
      Sets the storeId and uses the value to set a key field on the access bean.
      void setUserId(java.lang.String newUserId)
      Sets the userId and uses the value to set a key field on the access bean.
      • Methods inherited from class

        getLength, getSortAtt, setSortAtt
      • Methods inherited from class

        fulfills, getCommandContext, getHttpRequest, getHttpResponse, getResources, getViewCommandContext, setCommandContext, setHttpRequest, setHttpResponse, setViewCommandContext
      • Methods inherited from class

        getRequestProperties, setRequestProperties
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface

        getCommandContext, setCommandContext
      • Methods inherited from interface

        getRequestProperties, setRequestProperties
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String CLASSNAME
        The name of this class.

        public static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
        IBM copyright notice field.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlowSelectionListBean

        public FlowSelectionListBean()
        Constructs a FlowSelectionListBean object.
    • Method Detail

      • populate

        public void populate()
                      throws java.lang.Exception
        Looks up a sorted list of flowAdmins, then populates an array of FlowAdminsDataBean objects from the list entries.
        Specified by:
        populate in interface
        populate in class
        java.lang.Exception - if an FlowAdminsAccessBean could not be created.
      • setFlowTypeId

        public void setFlowTypeId(java.lang.String newFlowTypeId)
        Sets the flowTypeId and uses the value to set a key field on the access bean.
        Specified by:
        setFlowTypeId in interface FlowSelectionListInputDataBean
        newFlowTypeId - The relevant flowTypeId.
      • setStoreId

        public void setStoreId(java.lang.String newStoreId)
        Sets the storeId and uses the value to set a key field on the access bean.
        Specified by:
        setStoreId in interface FlowSelectionListInputDataBean
        newStoreId - The relevant storeId.
      • setUserId

        public void setUserId(java.lang.String newUserId)
        Sets the userId and uses the value to set a key field on the access bean.
        Specified by:
        setUserId in interface FlowSelectionListInputDataBean
        newUserId - The relevant userId.