Creating a dynamic kit and predefined dynamic kit with sample data

Create the association between a dynamic kit and a model, create a predefined dynamic kit, and then test the predefined dynamic kit on the storefront.

Note: This procedure assumes that you published a starter store with the Housewares sample catalog. If you selected another sample catalog, the sample data is not available for you to use.

Before you begin

About this task

In this procedure, you associate a model with a computer. A model contains the components that a shopper selects. The components that are contained within each model are not visible in the store or searchable. They can be purchased only as a part of the dynamic kit or predefined dynamic kit. The products cannot be displayed, but the associated SKUs can be displayed and purchased.


  1. Extract the sample images to the Sterling Configurator Server work station in the following locations: Sterling_eardir/sic.war/images/WC/computer_160x160 and Sterling_eardir/sic.war/images/WC/computer_70x70

    These images are shown on the Sterling Configurator Page when a shopper configures a kit.

  2. Open the Catalogs tool.
  3. From the explorer filter, select Master Catalog.
  4. To demonstrate dynamic kit integration, make the computer displayable to customers and purchasable.
    1. From the explorer filter, select Master Catalog.
    2. Go to the Electronics category. Click Edit > Select All.
      The computer is selected.
    3. Click Edit Column Edit Column. The Edit Column dialog is shown. In the Select column to update list, choose Display to Customers. Check Display to Customers check box; click Apply, then click OK. Click File > Save All.
    4. Click Edit Column Edit Column. The Edit Column dialog is shown. In the Select column to update list, choose Buyable. Check the Buyable check box; click Apply, then click OK. Click File > Save All.
      On the storefront, customers can purchase the computer.
    5. Click Edit > Deselect All
  5. SKUs in a dynamic kit can be purchased, and by default, the SKUs in the AuroraPC 001 dynamic kit can be purchased. You can make SKUs in a dynamic kit Buyable when they are part of a dynamic kit by following these steps:
    1. To find all catalog entries that are included in the kits, use Advanced Search. In the Find area, select Advanced Search.Advanced Search
    2. Use the Advanced Search dialog to run a search.
      For example, you can search by the manufacturer’s name by entering the name in the Manufacturer field.
    3. Click Specify Type; then, select the Products and SKUs check boxes. Click Search.
      The Search Results page shows the results of the search.
    4. Click Edit > Select All.
      All items are selected.
    5. Click Edit Column Edit Column. The Edit Column dialog is shown. In the Select column to update list, choose Buyable. Check the Buyable check box; click Apply, then click OK. Click File > Save All.
    6. Click Edit Column Edit Column. The Edit Column dialog is shown. In the Select column to update list, choose Displayable to Customers. Check the Displayable to Customers check box; click Apply, then click OK. Click File > Save All.
  6. Go back to the Electronics category, open the dynamic kit, AuroraPC 001, and then click the Configurator tab.
  7. Choose one of the following to either import or create a model.
    • Import the sample models to Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler.
      1. Click Visual Modeler. Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler opens.
      2. Expand Model Groups and select the model group that is created for the store that you are working with.
      3. Click Import in the toolbar. The Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler Import window is shown.
      4. Click Browse... to find the XML file you want to import. (The file that you downloaded to a temporary directory). When you select the file, the file is shown in the field along with the complete path to the file.
      5. Select the import option Import into the selected destination model group.
      6. Click Import Now. The imported model group or model and its structure is imported based on the import option you selected. A model group that is called SampleModels is created.
      7. Go to the SampleModels Group you imported.
      8. In the Models and Groups section, select the model, AuroraPC 001, and then click Compile in the toolbar. A version of the model that WebSphere Commerce and Sterling Configurator can use is created.
      9. Compile the other models.
    • Create a model.
      1. Click Visual Modeler.
      2. Expand Model Groups and expand the store. If you create multiple models, create a model group.
      3. Click New Model. Type a Name.
      4. Click the Save and Edit. Add Option classes are the components that the shopper configures. Click New Option Class.
      5. On the New Option Class tab, browse or search to find items in the WebSphere Commerce catalog to add to the option class. Click Save and Edit.
        Tip: To search for components in Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler, type the first few characters of the component name. For example, to find Kevlar, type kev. To search for multiple components at once type the component names and separate the names by a space (red green).
      6. Repeat these steps for all Option classes and Option items.
        Tip: Make sure you that select the NormalTemplate.
      7. When you are finished, click the Model, and then click Save all Changes and Compile.
  8. In Configurator tab for the dynamic kit, associate a model to the dynamic kit.
    1. In the Model table, enter AuroraPC001, and then click Find and Add.
    2. Click Save.
      This step associates the model, Aurora PC 001, to the dynamic kit.
  9. In Configurator tab for the dynamic kit, select the Configurable option. This step enables shoppers to reconfigure the dynamic kit's associated predefined dynamic kits.
  10. Click Save. If you preview the dynamic kit on the storefront, the kit shows a Configure button but not an Add to cart button. Shoppers must configure the dynamic kit before they can add the dynamic kit to the shopping cart. To configure the dynamic kit, shoppers click the Configure button, which starts Sterling Configurator.
  11. You can create multiple predefined dynamic kits for a dynamic kit. In this example, define a predefined dynamic kit for the AuroraPC 001 dynamic kit.
    1. In the explorer view, click AuroraPC 001, and then click File > New > Predefined Dynamic Kit. A predefined dynamic kit is created.
    2. In the Manage Predefined Dynamic Kit tab, the Parent Dynamic Kit field displays the name of the associated dynamic kit, AuroraPC 001. To specify when the predefined dynamic kit is available to customers, expand the Publishing section and enter dates in the Announcement date and Withdrawal date fields.
      Note: When you define a predefined dynamic kit, the Pricing section does not display in the Manage Predefined Dynamic Kit tab.
    3. In the Configurator tab, the Model table displays the model for the associated dynamic kit. In this case, the Model table displays AuroraPC 001. Click Save. The Configurator button is enabled.
    4. In the Configurator tab, click the Configurator button. Sterling Configurator starts. Use Sterling Configurator to select components for the predefined dynamic kit.
      Note: You configure the list of components that Sterling Configurator displays as options for selection when you define the model and model option items for the associated dynamic kit in Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler. The option items correspond to the components that Sterling Configurator displays. If the model contains multiple option items with different dates, Sterling Configurator displays the corresponding components on the specified dates. You can configure a scenario where Sterling Configurator displays "Back-to-school" notebook components as configuration options for the predefined dynamic kit on September 1 and "Holiday" notebook components as configuration options on December 1.
      To configure this scenario, use Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler to specify start dates and end dates for option items in the model of the associated dynamic kit:
      • Back-to-school notebook components 9/01/2014 - 10/31/2014
      • Holiday notebook components 11/01/2014 - 12/31/2014
      • New Year notebook components 01/01/2015 - 02/28/2015
      To preview the predefined dynamic kit on a future date in the Sterling Configurator, specify the date in the Announcement date field in the Manage Predefined Dynamic Kit tab for the predefined dynamic kit. Next, click the Configurator button in the Configurator tab.
    5. In Configurator tab, select the Configurable option. This step enables shoppers to reconfigure the predefined dynamic kit.
    6. Click Save.
    7. To see the components in the predefined dynamic kit, click Reload.
      The Preconfigured Components table refreshes showing the items that you selected.
    8. Click Store Preview to preview the predefined dynamic kit on the storefront. The predefined dynamic kit includes an Add to cart button and a Reconfigure button. The shopper can purchase the kit. The shopper can reconfigure the kit before purchasing it.