Lesson 2: Performing tests and migrating the assignments

Available from 9.2.14 This lesson shows you how to run a test and complete the migration of software assignments for a computer that is moved to the new BigFix server.

Before you begin

User You must have the View Endpoints and View Hardware Inventory permissions to perform this task.

The PUT request needs to be made using a dedicated API tool, such as Postman or cURL.


  1. Use the Body of the request that you prepared in Step 6 at the end of Lesson 1. To run a test and simulate the migration, use the following PUT request.
  2. Check the results of the test.
    The following sample shows the example of test results.
                            "details": {
                            "valid_instances": {
                            "Bundled": {
                            "1": "instance_ids: 314"
                            "invalid_instances": {},
                            "unmodified_instances": {
                            "1": "Bundling 'BigFix DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Unlicensed Product Base 10.5' to 'BigFix DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Unlicensed Product Base 10.5' on '9589066'"
                            "summary": {
                            "valid_instances": {
                            "Bundled": 1
                            "invalid_instances": {},
                            "unmodified_instances": 1
  3. If the test is successful, migrate the software assignments with the following PUT request.
    The results of the API request should include a summary of changes that were made. The following example shows the sample of the results:
                            "valid_instances": {
                            "Bundled": 1
                            "invalid_instances": {},
                            "unmodified_instances": 1


After migrating the software assignments with the API request, the data is updated in BigFix Inventory and reflected on Software Classification panel. After the next import of data, the license metric information is recalculated according to the changes.