Changing the mode of sorting bundling options on the Software Classification panel

If the Software Classification panel runs slowly or the BigFix Inventory server is under a heavy load, you might want to change the mode of sorting bundling options.

About this task

After you invoke the function Assign Components to Product on the Software Classification panel, you might experience a performance issue while loading the data. By default, the bundling options that are displayed when you reassign a software component are sorted by confidence. To improve the performance, sort the displayed bundling options alphabetically. You can use a REST add-on in your web browser or the curl tool to perform this task.


  • You can use the REST add-on in your web browser to sort the displayed bundling options alphabetically.
    • Open the REST add-on in your web browser, for example Advanced REST client.
    • To set the value of the blockUiBundlingComputations parameter to true, run the following REST API query:

      PUT http://bfi_server_host_name:port_number/rest/configs?token=token&name=blockUiBundlingComputations&value=true

      PUT http://localhost:9981/api/sam/configs?token=7adc3efb175e2bc0f4484bdd2efca54a8fa04623&name=blockUiBundlingComputations&value=true
  • You can use the curl tool to sort the displayed bundling options alphabetically.
    • Start the curl tool.
    • Enter the following command.
      curl -v PUT http://bfi_server_host_name:port_number/rest/configs?token=token&name=blockUiBundlingComputations&value=true
      curl -v PUT http://localhost:9981/api/sam/configs?token=7adc3efb175e2bc0f4484bdd2efca54a8fa04623&name=blockUiBundlingComputations&value=true


The bundling options are sorted alphabetically and are displayed more quickly because no additional computation is added to the server workload.