Enable Wakeup

Enable Wakeup includes a task for enabling the Wake-on-LAN Medic Utility. This utility is used to wake computers based on the schedule defined in the Schedule Wake-on-LAN wizard. It also sends a wake-up request to any Last Man Standing computers that are shut down.

As well as the IBM Endpoint Manager Wake-on-LAN technology, BESWolMedic.exe with versions 1.5.30 or later use a directed broadcast that does not need Wake-on-LAN forwarders and Last Man standing computers.

To enable the Wake-on-LAN Medic Utility, click the Enable task in the List Panel, and then click in the Actions box of the Task window.

Your IBM Endpoint Manager Server firewall might prompt a network security warning when the utility is run for the first time. No directed broadcast is issued if the permission to access the network is not approved at your TEM Server. The existing IBM Endpoint Manager Wake-on-LAN technology will continue to work.