Actions that can be made from the target interface

You can use the Actions menu for the following actions:
Connection info
This action displays the computer name, IP address list, and FIPS status of the target system. Click OK to continue.
Report status to server
This action causes the target to contact the server to report its status. This action is not available when the Managed target property is set to No.
Who is connected?
Displays the user ID of the controller user and the IP address and MAC address of the controller system that started the remote control session. Click OK to continue.
Note: This option is available only during a remote control session.
Transfer folder
View the contents of the file transfer directory. All transferred files from the controller to the target are shown in the directory.
Send file to controller
Select a file on the target system and transfer it to the controller system. For more information about transferring files, see the IBM® BigFix® Remote Control Controller User's Guide.
Clear chat history
Clears the chat history area of the target interface.
Hidden Windows™
Displays any running applications on the target that were hidden before the session was established. For more information about hiding running applications, see Hiding applications.
Enter connection code
Enter the connection code that is required to start a session through a broker. For more information, see Starting a remote control session that uses a broker.