Installing a preconfigured controller component

You can configure the controller component by editing the trc_controller.cfg configuration file after the controller is installed. You can also apply custom configuration settings when you install the controller component.

About this task

Preconfiguring the controller is useful for unattended installations. You can set your configuration file values in the configuration file and copy the file to the computers that you want to install the controller on. Your configuration settings are installed together with the controller. The configuration values are set in the trc_controller.cfg file. You can create the file and add your custom values or you can edit a default configuration file. If you do not apply any preconfiguration, the default configuration file is installed when you install the controller component.
Preconfiguring the controller for a Windows™ operating system installation
  1. Copy the trc_controller.cfg file to the same directory as the trc_controller_setup.exe or trc_controller.msi file.
  2. Run the controller installation file.
The controller is installed with your configured settings.
Note: Preconfiguring the controller is not supported for installation on a Linux™ operating system. If necessary, you can modify and rebuild the controller .rpm file from the source .rpm file.


Use the content of the default configuration file to create your custom configuration file and set your own values.

# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# 5725-C43
# Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2011, 2014.
#All Rights Reserved
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
# restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM® Corp.







tool01.ToolName = Control Panel
tool01.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\control.exe
tool01.ToolParameters =
tool01.ToolUser =

tool02.ToolName = Command Prompt
tool02.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\cmd.exe
tool02.ToolParameters =
tool02.ToolUser =

tool03.ToolName = Administrator Command Prompt
tool03.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\cmd.exe
tool03.ToolParameters =
tool03.ToolUser = admin

tool04.ToolName = Task Manager
tool04.ToolCommand = [SystemFolder]\\taskmgr.exe
tool04.ToolParameters =
tool04.ToolUser =

tool05.ToolName = Windows Explorer
tool05.ToolCommand = [WindowsFolder]\\explorer.exe
tool05.ToolParameters =
tool05.ToolUser =

tool06.ToolParameters =
tool06.ToolUser =

tool07.ToolName=Control Panel
tool07.ToolParameters =
tool07.ToolUser =

tool08.ToolParameters =
tool08.ToolUser =

tool09.ToolParameters =
tool09.ToolUser =

tool10.ToolParameters =
tool10.ToolUser =

# Custom keys

# example.KeySequenceName = Inject F1
# example.KeySequenceValue = [F1]
# For a list of supported key codes, please refer to the User's Guide

key01.KeySequenceName =
key01.KeySequenceValue =

key02.KeySequenceName =
key02.KeySequenceValue =

key03.KeySequenceName =
key03.KeySequenceValue =