Creating the MS SQL data source

About this task

When you have verified that the JDBC Provider is configured properly, the data source for IBM® BigFix® Remote Control should be created using that JDBC Provider.

To create the data source complete the following steps:


  1. Select Resources > JDBC > Data Sources.
  2. Select the scope with Node and Server.
  3. Click New.
  4. Specify the data source information
    1. Enter basic data source information
      Data source name
      Specify a name for the data source. This can be any required name.
      JNDI Name
      This should be set to jdbc/trcdb
      Note: If this name is changed, the datasource.context property in the must be changed after the WAR file is deployed. After the correct value is set, save the file and restart the application from the Websphere admin console.
    2. Select JDBC provider
      Select Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver or the required JDBC provider. Click Next.
    3. Enter database specific properties for the data source
      Database name
      This is the name used when you created the MS SQL database.
      Port number
      Port used when installing MS SQL. Default is 1433.
      Server name
      This is set to the IP or hostname of the server containing the MS SQL installation. If MS SQL is installed locally you can use localhost.
    4. Set up security Alias
      1. Select Component-managed authentication alias and select the alias you previously created for MS SQL.
      2. Accept the default of none in the remaining lists.
      3. Click Next.
    5. On the summary screen, click Finish to create the data source.
  5. Click Save.