Searching for the users directory entry

About this task

The method available for finding the end-users information involves defining a starting point in the Active Directory tree and allowing IBM® BigFix® Remote Control to recursively search through the tree for the userid. For most Active Directory implementations this is the preferred method as users are usually spread out in several locations in an Active Directory tree. This method is especially helpful if user information is contained under a single branch of the tree but broken up by department or underneath the branch
Note: It should be noted that when LDAP has been enabled, new users and new user groups should be created in Active Directory and not in IBM BigFix Remote Control. This is because each time the synchronization with Active Directory takes place the users and user groups are deleted from the IBM BigFix Remote Control database and then imported again from Active Directory.
To use the recursive search configure the following parameters:
The base LDAP directory entry for looking up users that match the search criteria. If not specified, the search base is the top-level element in the directory context.
for example OU=mylocation,DC=mycompany,DC=com
You can refine your search by going deeper into the OU structure and selecting to search only within a specific organizational unit for example an OU called Users and therefore you would set the property value as
This would instruct IBM BigFix Remote Control to look for users matching the criteria, only within the Users OU (and any OUs that belong to the Users OU if ldap.groupSubtree is set to true)
Defines the LDAP query that is used to import Active Directory users to IBM BigFix Remote Control. The defined query needs to filter the results such that only those users which match the search criteria are imported to IBM BigFix Remote Control. The default value is


which means, look for users in any object that is a user object within the userbase. That is import all Active Directory users to IBM BigFix Remote Control.
Note: When using the above it should be noted that some environments can have thousands of users therefore it is important to create a filter which will only import the required users. To limit the users that are imported to only those users who match the search criteria and are members of the groups that were imported into IBM BigFix Remote Control through the ldap.groupSearch filter, you should set the property ldap.userInGroup to true. It should also be noted that as well as being imported into the relevant groups that are returned in the group search, users are also imported into the DefaultGroup. Setting ldap.userInGroup to false will import all users who match the search criteria, regardless of their group membership.
The search can therefore be further refined by using more complex queries. For example if you have the following values set
Ldap.userSearch: (&(objectClass=user)(|(memberOf=CN=Department1,OU=GROUPS,
OU=mylocation,DC=mycompany,DC=com) (memberOf=CN=Department3,OU=GROUPS,
If there were three groups defined, Department1, Department2 and Department3 the above query would authenticate and import any users that are defined as objectclass user and are members of the Department1 OR Department3 groups. Users from Department2 would not be able to logon to IBM BigFix Remote Control.

The (&(name={0}) is added to the end to specify that the name attribute is used for logging in. This value has to match whatever attribute was specified as ldap.userid.

Set this value to true if you want to recursively search the sub tree of the element specified by the userBase attribute for the user's directory entry. The default value of false causes only the top level to be searched (a nonrecursive search). This is ignored if you are using the userPattern expression.