Deploying App-V clients

Use the App-V Client Wizard from the IBM® BigFix console to install and configure App-V clients.

With the App-V Client Wizard, you can specify and upload client installers for use. You can also set up and apply configuration templates as policies.

Figure 1: App-V Client Wizard

App-V Client Wizard

To create another deployment option, choose the New Client Installer option and specify the location of the App-V Client installer and information about the installer that is being uploaded.

You can edit previous installer entries by double-clicking the row or clicking Edit on the right side of the row. Click the Trash icon to delete the entry.

Figure 2: Add App-V Client Deployment Option

Add App-V Client Deployment Option

To create a configuration, choose New Client Configuration and choose all options to be set on the client. You can specify many settings for configuration, optional servers, and permissions for non-administrative users.

You can view previous configuration entries by double-clicking the row or clicking Edit.

Figure 3: Add App-V Client Configuration Option

Add App-V Client Configuration Option
Note: The App-V client must have the "AllowIndependentFileStreaming" setting enabled to run in stand-alone mode. You can configure this setting in the App-V Client Deployment Dashboard.
To create a task, select from these available client installers and configuration options:
  • If you create a task by using a client installer, the new task installs only the client and leaves the configuration as the default.
  • If you create a task by using a configuration, the new task changes the configuration on an existing deployed App-V client.
  • If you create a task by using both the client installer and configuration, a task deploys and configures App-V.

When you select at least one item, you can create a task.

Figure 4: Creating a task from the App-V Client Wizard

Creating a task from the App-V Client Wizard

Created tasks can be found in the Systems Lifecycle domain under the App-V Client Tasks subnode of the Software Distribution navigation tree.

You can also create tasks to uninstall the App-V client, or to restart the App-V client service due to a pending configuration change.

Figure 5: App-V Client Tasks navigation tree

App-V Client Tasks navigation tree