Creating a Customized Expression


  1. Navigate to Endpoint Protection > Configuration > Data Protection > DLP Settings Wizard > Data Identifier Management.
  2. Click the Expression tab.
  3. Click Add.

    A new screen displays.

  4. Type a name for the expression. The name must not exceed 64 bytes in length and cannot contain the following characters:

    > < * ^ | & ? \ /

  5. Type a description that does not exceed 256 bytes in length.
  6. Type the expression and specify whether it is case-sensitive.
  7. Type the displayed data.

    For example, if you are creating an expression for ID numbers, type a sample ID number. This data is used for reference purposes only and will not appear elsewhere in the product.

  8. Choose one of the following criteria and configure additional settings for the chosen criteria (see Criteria for Customized Expression):
    • None
    • Specific characters
    • Suffix
    • Single-character separator
  9. Test the expression against an actual data.

    For example, if the expression is for a national ID, type a valid ID number in the Test data text box, click Test, and then check the result.

  10. Click Save if you are satisfied with the result.
    Note: Save the settings only if the testing was successful. An expression that cannot detect any data wastes system resources and may impact performance.